EH, I have the AOE Collector's Edition (which includes all AOE1 and 2 expansions) @ home, but I haven't played it for a long time...
And yeah, most epic RTS game ever!
From all of those, the only one I somewhat like is mystic muse, so there's my vote.
Why MM? Fastest cast speed, a lot of debuffs to turn your enemy into crap and best m.crit rate.
Eh... I never cheated to get hero status though lol
Well, lemme see:
1 time SK hero on L2Vengeance
2 times AW hero on L2United
2 times Saggitarius hero on L2Underworld
1 time SK hero on versuvioL2
4 times WR hero on L2Memories (old L2Signs)
2 times WR hero on L2Heroes
1 time Saggitarius hero on L2Legends
I guess that's all lol