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Everything posted by DANY PUNISHER

  1. if i want to change the name of nophx.dll with wich program i can edit l2.exe to call the nophx.dll with the different name ? and when i launch the .exe file i have an error...it say an error of core.dll...how to fix this ? and i think is also better to change l2.exe icon...
  2. omg man tnx very much O_O it work
  3. i have put a new npc buffer and if i change the time didn't happend it still at 19 min dunno why
  4. the problem is not the font at all.....is the image you put it in without any effect..a simple rectangle...is good if is your first time but u have to learn a lot of things.. the second is simply too...text are a little confusing... don't like it..
  5. hi i have another problem, it work only with sheild for me and this is ok but it didn't give nothing...no pdef...how to fix this ?
  6. dude it didn't work if i put the php file with the code inside the website show a white page with this : '; //prints out the $x number of players online ?> any solution ?
  7. u have seen wrong, in google u can find only guides to bypass bake ice and nothing to use/configure it correctly...
  8. is a bad guide...is all confusing...the order of steps are confusing and badly explained...is better with some screenshoot...
  9. why wrong section ? is l2 general i think is not wrong
  10. i have found only a xml file with armor and inside there are skil values for dynasty pvp or silver version...but not for epic armors....i need to write all from 0 and where ??? is strange who made the pack didin't configure it.....i need help
  11. ok thank u very much for reply but idon't really understand what u want to say...i can go in stats/skill but what xml file i need to change ? and how...i mean values...i dont know what to do...so i wait for u tomorrow for better explain tnx :)
  12. yes but if is configured in chest part correctly if i put the same codes in boots is the same if didn't work with chest will not work also with boots......
  13. in mine too...maybe if some1 can give help fast pls...
  14. hi i use strike patch and custom epic armors didn't give stats i think the configuration is ok look for example this : <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <list> <item id='96000' name="Epic Dark Knight Heavy Armor"> <for> <add val='425' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/> <add val='4' order='0x40' stat='CON'> <and> <using slotitem="96001;9"/> <using slotitem="96002;12"/> <using slotitem="96003;6"/> </and> </add> <add val='1.20' order='0x40' stat='pDef'> <and> <using slotitem="96001;9"/> <using slotitem="96002;12"/> <using slotitem="96003;6"/> </and> </add> <add val='3' order='0x40' stat='DEX'> <and> <using slotitem="9601;9"/> <using slotitem="9602;12"/> <using slotitem="9603;6"/> </and> </add> <add val='4' order='0x40' stat='STR'> <and> <using slotitem="96001;9"/> <using slotitem="96002;12"/> <using slotitem="96003;6"/> </and> </add> but in game didn't work when i wear all part of set it give only pdef...what is wrong ? please help i need an answer....
  15. the only method to use it is only with eclipse ? other methods ? i use l2j free
  16. ok but i have Part II server and as i said before in navicat i dont have the table npc_buffer....what i can do ?
  17. i have gracia part II...so i can't use it ?
  18. thank you very much man it works !! i was searching for this !!! you are the best !!
  19. i have checked in xml file and is in the list i have also checked in database with navicat and are in the list...but in game still missed all dyes WIT / MEN
  20. hi i have a question in my own server gracia part II l2jfree but i have a problem with dyes...at the symbol maker you can put all but only +4 wit -4 men is missed !! is not on the list....how i can add it and fix ? what file i need to edit ?? help pls
  21. in navicat i dont have the table npc_buffer....what i can do ?
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