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Everything posted by TEOGR_hItMaKeR

  1. come on guys anyone? this guys said me he did this for l2deathwhisper and don't want to share his knowledge... :( but l2deathwhisper is offline:/
  2. (ελ) όταν το μεταφράσεις στα ελληνικά στείλε μου να το μεταφράσω στα ρωσικά ή δεν ξέρω αν προσφέρετε κάποιος άλλος ... Αλλά αυτό με τα donation πρέπει να γίνει αλλιώς δεν έχει νόημα να το χρησιμοποιήσει κάποιος μεγάλο μέρος του κόσμου δεν χρησιμοποιεί paypal (λχ Η Ρωσία) και η Βραζιλία νομίζω χρησιμοποιεί πολύ τα sms οι Έλληνες επίσης προτιμούν την Paysafe ... οπότε εμένα θα βάλω ως παράδειγμα ενός admin δεν με ενδιαφέρει τόσο ο άλλος να έχει panel πιό πολύ με ενδιαφέρει εγώ ως admin να έχω ένα πάνελ και να βλέπω τι και πως... (δηλαδή ποιοί πλήρωσαν ) και απλά να τους δίνω το αντίτιμο ingame ...
  3. Russian language added ? or greek ? i can help on both Also (already said :P) can you do something like this https://euro-pvp.com/index.php?id=l2&do=donate
  4. Really sorry but I am not experienced at all :( can you explain me how you did this ? or help me do it ?
  5. Hello guys in this topic http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/214484-how-i-can-change-currency/ with your help i managed to change the name but the problem is that it changed at all shops not only in private ... so i renamed to "currency" or Adena/Mycoin And this sucks :/ with vampirs advice i finally managed to run somehow xdat editor but i cant put -1 at the value he said me (i figured that the value can be only number from sysstring) But when i did change a number without anything example 0 in game doesnt change anything :/ only if i put something already exist it changing ... So lets post pics to make you understand the problem here is an example of what i put at xdat editor http://imgient.com/images/2017/05/03/222.png here is what i did in systring and in game result :/ http://imgient.com/image/bRGr
  6. Hey elfo is it possible to help me installing this somehow ? I dont understand anything about programming visual studio and etc ... Also is it possible to add another donation methods ? at least add them and when players pay it will go a message to admin panel and then admin will check and manually add points ( hope you understand what i want to say ) for example you add paysafe player chouse the amount of money he want to give and then when its ready he going to buy by sending pin to admin through panel, admin checking the paysafe and add manually the points
  7. Thank you !!! Just if you can post install information :D:D He deservs karma i think give him cause i cant
  8. Yes I saw them but it will work at acis 368? and also I want for grandboss queen ant orfen core antharas valakas baium ZAKEN frintezza
  9. np: p I am completely newbie at this don't understand sh1t could you help me somehow? I don't even understood what it's going to change with this Edit also i tried to run it but it doesnt run or install ... :/
  10. @vampir what are you talking about xd? I change it from the sysstring the theme is that it changed at all shops not only in private store of player so I am searching a solution to this right now I have it adena/mycoin and it's not cool :/ @solomun wrong topic I guess?
  11. How i can do this bro ? You are right for the first one it did and i puted adena/mycurrency but its not nice :( for the second how i can do this ? can you help me ?
  12. Hello guys ! IS there any shared grandbossmanager (npc which will show grandboss status , if they alive and respawn time) for acis ? I searched and couldnt find something ... If anyone have something like this please share it ! Thank you !
  13. Sysstring-e.dat :p yes i figured it out the bad is that it changes all shop currency not only private stores ... Thank you !
  14. my host told me for custom ports like 7777 and 2106 I have to pay but 3306 is open by default... I opened the ports at my pc and in firewall... but I can't connect to db...
  15. I am looking for it also! tazernan did one guide but it's not helpful and detailed... If someone could find anything I am interested also
  16. εχεις την ζωνη αυτη περασμενη στο source ?
  17. Hello how i can change currency on player private store ? i mean those http://imgient.com/image/RgXh and also when you buying
  18. [ΕΛ]αστο δεν πειραζει ... Με βοήθησε ένα παιδί και τον ευχαριστώ πολύ ... φαίνεται να δουλεύει κανονικά απλά θέλει αλλαγή και το client thank you all for your help and especially anotherperson the code seems working properly it just need client modification to change there currency also You can lock this topic
  19. [gr] αυτό είναι το κυριότερο τα άλλα τα τα κατάφερα απλά αυτό εδώ να το βάλω ή όχι ; απλά στο ασις δεν εχει τη 2 γραμμη του - οποτε θα πρεπει να βαλω τη δευτερη του + ?
  20. hmm for example this line doesnt exist in acis ownerIU.addItem(ownerInventory.getAdenaInstance()); i just ignore that it doesnt exist ? in code it says this - ownerInventory.addAdena("PrivateStore", totalPrice, _owner, player); - ownerIU.addItem(ownerInventory.getAdenaInstance()); + ownerInventory.addItem("PrivateStore", moneda, totalPrice, _owner, player); + ownerIU.addItem(ownerInventory.getItemByItemId(moneda)); the second (-) doesnt exist in acis so i must add the second (+) or not ?
  21. I didn't a I didn't apply it via patch cause if I did this way nothing will be applied because the code doesn't match acis... I tried manually... And said you
  22. I didn't a I didn't apply it via patch cause if I did this way nothing will be applied because the code doesn't match acis... I tried manually... And said you
  23. every single line at tradelist java where owner is written at acis it's player or at least I think that and because I am not sure I didn't apply it you will understand me only if you try to apply it
  24. This code is from l2jbrasil if you try add it to acis you will face problems like every single line where player is written at l2jbrasil code meaning owner at acis and owner meaning player or at least what I have understood ... I already tried but I couldn't do it so why I have create this topic... If you say that is so easy for you you could do it for the time you 've spend here to write...
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