Start the server and the beta test is scheduled for 11/06/2010 18:00 Polish time test will be open until 18/06/2010 whereupon,if everything goes positive,and players will be pleased Official opening of the server
Exp: x5
Sp: x5
Adena: x5 chance: 70%
Drop: special mats x5 chance: 70%
Spoil: special mats x5 chance 70%
Drop: Item at server is Retail Like x1 or chance is more 5%
Drop: Seal Stones x5 chance 70%
Drop: RaidBoss x1 chance from Retail Like
L2OFF files Interlude
Excellent Geodata
Augumentation Retail System
10 DeBuff slots
Olimpiad operating system 100%
Primeval Island monstars with improve update AI (as the Retail)
Siege working 100%
Clan System
Duel System
Clan Skills
Drop from Retail Interlude
lvl 80
Death penalty system work 100%
24 Buff slots
Cursed Wapeons work 100%-Zariche and Akamanach (as the Retail)
Interlude Skills
Subclass work 100%
Noblesse work 100%
Hero work 100% and the statusof Hero available on website
RaidBoss status at website
7signs system work 100% and status available on website
Enchant Skills System Retail
Datacenter,which offers a 99.9% stability
And much more...
Server Information:
Processor :Intel® Core2 Duo CPU T9400
O.S. :windows 2003 Enterprise x64bit
RAM :8192 MB RAM DDR2-800 Dual
HD :2X 640 GB SATA 2
Net :100 Mbps
Slot for about 2000 players