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Everything posted by doggie

  1. Thx for sharing, not working in my server :(
  2. Sorry for the noob question, but whats the point of changing a mob name or editing this file?? Also, how can i make infinite zoom in official?? Thanks!!
  3. Thanks for sharing, really usefull
  4. To correct this problem, desinstall .net framework and reinstall it. It worked for me Regards,
  5. I have the same error, what can we do to solve this?? Thanks a lot
  6. Thanks for Share, it´s very useful when u use many clients and Igwalker. Thanks,
  7. Many thanks for the post, both of u. The collections u have here are amazing.
  8. Very useful to avoid annoying aggro mobs thanks
  9. Any server where it works???
  10. Thx for share. I will try it and post.
  11. Thanks. Anyone has a guide of how to use it?
  12. Thanks for share. I was looking for this. Gonna try and post.
  13. Its not very usefull, as fishes and treasures weight less than the pieces you obtain from them. Thanks for the share anyway.
  14. r there still servers where hlapex works?? i would love to have some fun 8)
  15. Nice guide. It helped me a lot. Thanks bro
  16. Nice Guide. Thanks a lot.
  17. When i try to open the client, it says "files corrupted please fullcheck" is there a way i can avoid this protection??? The server is a new one SHIVA server L2Hispano is the web Thanks in advance
  18. I cant dual-box with or without walker, thats why its not a walker problem, so i think it must be putted here. For the thing of using a proxy, can u help me a bit moe about the proxy. Which port does the proxy need to be?? and which socket?, and finally, how do i do it= :D i hope u can help me Thanks in advance
  19. Why do u need to run 2 scripts? maybe all can help and make then in only one scrip. for that u can use the coman Label(name) and call(name) or jmp(name) so u can go to the part of the script u need.
  20. AVG Spyware also found troyan. Try it at your own risk.
  21. Nice for share, but i cant see any difference, maybe it works well with old dial up conections
  22. R U SERIOUS??? who will be so nonsense to believe this kind of sites?? Common, their r as inoffensive as my 1 year sister. By the way thx for share.
  23. Im wondering if jewlery boss is stackable, i mean if u use 2 earring of zaken, u get twice their effects or only once??
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