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Everything posted by doggie

  1. Real nice and usefull guide thanks a lot
  2. Is there anyway to dual box on l2phoenix??? i manage to open 2 clients by modifying the l2.exe file, but i cant connect the second client. Is there a way to bypass this protection??? please help
  3. Too old, fix in almost every server, by the way nice share
  4. In which server r u playing?
  5. I still dont get it, why would u like to allowed dual box and walker use???
  6. Go to bots section, i have posted a script for fishing.
  7. Also remember that when using walker for spoil without the option of "target dad use skill" the char only uses the sweeper when the mob was succesfully spoiled and it will give u items (the mob is shining in blue color), if the mob is not shining the char wont use sweeper coz he will get nothing.
  8. Just an idea, did u tried using l2walker disable and enable. maybe with that it will refresh the skills. Just an idea, i never tried. Here is the command: Set(L2Walker,Enable|Disable) Hope it works for u
  9. Is this command working for anyone?? i tryed it but wont work, maybe im doing something wrong or it just wont work??
  10. Thx for share.. nice map
  11. Hi im playing on L2phoenix server and i want to open 2 clients. I manage to open 2 clients with l2walker ig 1.78 but i cannot conect. One window connects withouts having any trouble but once u r login with 1 account, the other gets dc in the server selection page. Is there any way to bypass this security PS: i wanst able to verify the walker. Maybe if i verify it would be possible?? Thanks in advance
  12. Its better to erase the first delay, its useless. Just have one and set it to the time u want. Remember 1000 = 1 sec LABEL(POTS) CharStatus(MP,<,80) { USEITEM(Mana Potion[iD=728]) DELAY(xxxx) } CALL(POTS)
  13. Nice bug... im gonna try it right away. Thanks for sharing
  14. Thanks a lot man... now i wont get lost ;D
  15. Did u change the host file and uses a verify emulator?? cause if u dont walker wont work in most servers. It will load but wont move or show u your skills.
  16. U dont need to know exactly the name, just put whatever but make sure the name is typed Exactly even with capital letters.
  17. U get it wrong i dont fish with hp under 99%. U get to fish, and there is a chance a mob appear instead of fishing, and u will have to fight, so your hp will be reduce and the script will equip your weapon and kill the mob, the reequip the fishing pole and continue fishing. Also u have to preconfigure the fighting policy and the autofishing. I hope now i answer properly and sorry for my english. but it u change it to 101% it will always change to your weapon and u wouldnt be able to fish.
  18. Nice Sh4me man... thanks u rule... no no u rock... ahh whatever :P
  19. Here are the setting for u to play freely on l2hispano. www.l2hispano.net [DEFAULT] CountryList=l2hispano; DefaultCountry=0 DefaultServer=0 DefaultCharacter=0 DefaultAccount=XXXX:P DefaultPassWord=XXXX:P [l2hispano] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2106 ProtocolVersion=656 ServerList=hispano Token: 5F3B352E5D39342D33313D3D2D257854215E5B24 Enjoy
  20. Well this is something for fishing secure. Make a char of lvl 1 or 2, and learn the skills for fishing. Now go and fish and mobs should not respawn. I try it out in 3 servers and in all happened the same. No mob came to attack. Maybe its just a bug of the servers (l2reborn, l2phoenix, l2hispano) or something common for all servers. Try it out and then tell :D. If no mob, then u can fish forever without dyeing.
  21. This is something very stupid, but maybe u all dont know. I use this for fishing LABEL(Fish) CharStatus(HP,<=,99) { Set(FightStart) USEITEM("WEAPON NAME"[iD=726]) DELAY(XXXX) "estimate the time u can kill the mob" Set(FightStop) USEITEM("Baby Duck Rod (or whatever)"[iD=726]) USEITEM("fishing baits"[iD=726]) } CALL(Fish) I hope it will help someone :D
  22. If u want a c4-c5 with stuck skills u can try l2phoenix which is 30-40x, im playing and its good. Maybe u can try it.
  23. Well i am new in this of using htm, and i have some questions... thanks for your time 1- Is it posible to make a script in walker that makes the same as the htm code?? i mean, with htm i can have quest items for free (like portal stone). But is there a way i could use the code: "bypass -h multiask13....etc" in walker?? this is very usefull to lvl up with valkan in giran.. as if i have a script it would lvl up alone. 2- Where can i find the code to learn the skills? i use walker, and when i go to a master to learn the skills, i open artmoney but i dont know what should i checked for??? Can someone please explain a bit more about using artmoney?? 3- I want to know the ask and reply pair for a quest reward... is there a way to get this numbers without doing the quest at least once??? Thanks a lot maxxbastards
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