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Everything posted by countalucard

  1. oh no!!! my girlfriend wants one like that!!!! xDDDD
  2. i love this song.... and that girl xD "
  3. "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmU2R9lTivY&hl=es&fs=1&rel=0&hd=1" i love this songggggg, Guitar hero.... a great game :)
  4. if i had time... if i had time... ill test it, and then ill decide if i continue playing l2 or change...
  5. nice! great! :) i want to play this game
  6. well, i think its very important the way you play, because when i play to gran turismo with a gamepad, so boring... but with a racing wheel is better, and on the other hand, i prefer to play nfs with gamepad :)
  7. oh... my xbox 360 is going to be hot when it was released... xD
  8. Sorry, i have seen now that i would must put this video in another topic, sorry, my apologies :( If some administrator or moderator want to delete it, do it, it's normal :(
  9. nice share, i'm going to test it now :) thanks!!!!
  10. barça was better, it was a great match
  11. very nice but... i don't have time to play all xDDD
  12. "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgwq0ThpOu4&hl=es&fs=1&rel=0&hd=1&border=1" I really love this video!!!!! xD
  13. thank u for sharing :)
  14. 1. Lineage 2 2. DMC4 3. Final Fantasy VII 4. Dead Rising 5. Need For Speed 6. Crysys 7. Resident Evil 8. Left 4 dead 9. Mafia 10. GTA IV
  15. thanks anyways, ;)
  16. doesnt work for me :(
  17. destroyer is better with rage frenzy and zealot at the same time...
  18. i already tried it xDD
  19. a great game, but i dont know, i prefer another game of that kind
  20. Maybe, but i have player to all resident evil, i wanted to know all the story..
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