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Everything posted by УVІL™

  1. http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.0/mysql-essential-5.0.85-win32.msi/from/http://ftp.ntua.gr/pub/databases/mysql/ MYSQL kai to navicat edw http://www.4shared.com/file/42019777/d62dee7d/Navicat_80.html?s=1 OffTopic @ s t edwsa epeidi eisai vazelos :P
  2. totally agree with you ! :) edit: the server need more work to be same with L2Thunder !
  3. Tottaly agree. anyway DePutaMadre Gl With your server.
  4. tipota to diskolo... www.l2info.info kai des to tutorial 2 gia compile.. tha se voithisei.egw ekei to ematha.
  5. auto einai timeline einai ta protect tou server ta fixes p exoun kanei ston server.otan pas gia compile ta vazeis auta kai dn tha exeis errors :) 2on den mporeis na pareis rdy pack kai na to kaneis compile prepei na pareis to source(SVN)kai apo ekei to kaneis compile kai meta sinexizeis me to timeline ta vazeis ola kai tha exeis fixes !
  6. psakse me onoma "Interlude Preconfigured" (w/o ") http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=75690.0 anyway pare t pack m kai kane kai ligo search min kaneis adikws topics.
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33769.0 des auto to guide isws se voithisei.
  8. alakse ton xrono twn buffs. gameserver/data/stats/skills kai vriskis ta id kai ta alazeis me ton xrono p theleis .
  9. dokimase pack kainourgio oxi pack tou 2007. logika tha exei problima ! prospathise auta ta new p exei to forum. exw egw exei o skanners exoun k alloi. psakse ligo.
  10. Exei search to forum,kane ena search me tin leksi precnofigured interlude pack kai tha vreis polla...
  11. ena aplo pragma,katevase ta kai dokimase ta. monos s gia sigouria.
  12. thanks,alla tha kanoume kamia vdomada na ta doume ola :P
  13. ok for now,just when the server shutdowned cuz i lagged.Soz.
  14. thanks a lot.they dont have an errors.other fileedits have errors when you editing the files.thanks dude.
  15. so server now is down and when i joined i lagged (i cant moving i try /unstuck and nothing !)
  16. you are do something wrong changes in custom.properties file. and what is this ?
  17. nai exeis xtipisei to kefali s ston toixo apo malakia s?
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