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Everything posted by +cs.tribal

  1. Hello folks!! Long time without photoshop so i tried something with POKEMON theme!! :not bad: Please CnC my signature and help me improve it or even me! :troll:
  2. ROLF ON YOU!! @ontopic you make me get in thoughts but i think that it's not making real sense!
  3. have u tested it on l2damage for real? cause i want to buy 100weapons and sell em!it's too many adenas you know!
  4. Good one! rate info panel is text? or the values are taken from rates.prop...etc.?
  5. ΡΕ ΠΑΙΔΙΑ ΤΙ ΣΤΟΝ Π@@ΤΣΟ ΜΕ ΑΥΤΟ ΤΟ ΦΟΡΟΥΜ ΚΑΝΕΝΑΣ ΔΝ ΒΟΗΘΑΕΙ ΠΟΙΑ? θελωω λιγο help με το eclipse, μου βγαζει error στο build!!!καποιοςς....
  6. Take a loot a the error and please tell me what u think!
  7. GUYS i have a problem here! On eclipse, I checkout "http:/svn.l2jserver.com/trunk/L2J_server/" (i suppose it's H5 project). But after the checkout is done, l2jserver gets full of errors! Dunno why, didnt change anything in code! Is there anything you could suggest me? java: JDK1.7 subeclipse: 1.8.x
  8. another messy styler :D love this style mate..infact the one im using some times! gj...try improve it a little bit ;)
  9. i like 2nd one more! the difference between the bg color and ur "bubble" effect is not bad! u could try add a little bit blue on the background to blend the colors or add some more blue effects maybe...dunno, u always try things and if u like the outcome u keep it like that! ;D
  10. Nice outcome! Nice flow!! Nice effects. I like ur text. the effects(c4ds) on the right side, are looking a little bit random...dunno o.O about the sharpening u have in there, u can say it's a little "over-sharpened" ,but in m opionion makes it look better, it's a matter if taste after all ;) 8.5+/10
  11. pretty cool for ur first one! ;)) good job. btw.i think u did a bad resize on ur render!
  12. try pick a text color from the render. a dark one since u have a bright background...it should look much better! the overall is not that good...
  13. holly crap! this is an A shit!really awesome looking template, no joke mate!
  14. no it's ok mate i was just wondering if it's fully yours! btw. it look awesome, even the text is really pro to me ;p
  15. Can we see the resources plz? it seems to me like a simple wallpaper + some color effect + text.
  16. yy..this is why i try help him make it bigger!
  17. all of them have the same simple style...try use cool c4ds w/o blending modes.(tip test different c4ds pm different possition but try keep same colores!take ideas from others.) on the first one, u should work on the blending of the render with bg about the "Miss Fortune" sig.. it looks great but simple as the others i see u tried adding text.i like it.it's nice and simple(again). Try adding more elements on your sigs! ;)) SUBSCRIBED.
  18. hey again folks. as most times, there is long time from the last time i opened photoshop...some inspiration came to me when i saw this render on my library, so i gave it a try on this sig! Dunno, i think i made some bad work with the colors there, or is just me? Please let me know ur opinion! ;) cheers!
  19. u really got it mate! i cant believe this is ur 2nd outcome..cool! u got nice flow there.u blended ur render well.nice effects going on...but, i wanna see some text. try to add text on your next work ;)) keep it up...i wanna see more of u! ciao
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