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Everything posted by killik

  1. you wanna invite more players to a clan or just 1 ? There was an academy invite script on l2net forums Maybe you can rewrite it (shouldnt be that much to change i guess) http://insane-gamers.com/showthread.php/5509-Auto-Invite-all-PC-s-in-range-to-Academy-SPAM
  2. i never did but cant you remap keys ingame in options since ct1?
  3. L2Petmezis xD
  4. a major thing wouldbe for example if they would make l2 faction based suddenly and focus on pve instancing etc ;o
  5. In no particular order Abes Oddysey/Exodus MechWarrior 3 Castlevania Symphony of the Night Gothic 1-2 FF7 Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
  6. did you try to take a clean system folder and edit l2.ini?
  7. so even if minor things are similiar for example just because 2-3 skills are kinda same doesnt mean the pvp system in l2 did change its still l2 pvp and not wow pvp which is different Besides if you see it like that wow copied most things from ultima online etc You sure that all those things you mentioned didnt exist in other mmos before? everquest etc? for example mailbox existed in ultima online aswell Oo just because stuff exists in wow and l2 doesnt mean its neccesarily bad
  8. you are giving serves with low populations as example I could show you l2dex with has and in total 8k on i could show you rpg club with 5k on i could show youasterios tm with 5 full servers etc etc your point is totally invalid Every1 here who says it copies wow doesnt tell in what aspects and what exactly is bad about it? You say wow is great and l2 sux but if its a copy how can it suck so hard?
  9. dont they have similiar files to dex? try this: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=124309.0
  10. i dunno i think the change in l2 isnt something bad territory wars etc rock tbh even if similiar stuff does exist in mmos who cares? wow didnt invent the mmos they copied from somewhere else if you thik like that you have to say for example:"Omg doom4 it copies from other shooter games it has weapons etc etc" L2 is still nice problem on retail is the corruption of the game itself-> radars etc
  11. maybe on private servers Spoiler is a dead class on retail you can buy none- bgrade -> no work for spoiler Agrade isnt that important anymore besides that commonitems drop and ppl bot with those sgrade is mostly obtainable over varka/ketra -> recipes and keymats aswell s80 is obtainable over isle of prayer vesper is obtainable over drop only from rbs really pwnage dwarves they can spoil mats which you can get over manor aswell only place for a dwarv is on a dd bot train to bot them littlemore mats spoiler sux no balance no matter what you say
  12. omg that was just a dumb example listen ncsoft doesnt develop the game for private servers they do for retail 1x rates in the end your argumment is invalid and classes like spoiler loose more value then ever because they simply sux and you almost cant make any money with them you act like all classes are equal which isnt true It has nothing to do with skill A dagger who can crit backstab you for 8k dmg isnt balnaced or a mage who can 2 shot you without you comming near ppl like danieldefo(who always had best gear btw) did quit game because they think certain classes are too overpowered and you cant tell me that ppl like that who had more pvps on 1x rates then you or me ever have together are noob There are many examples ofmovies that show how overpwoered certain clases can be Maybe the movie of the sb who kills 4 ppl in s80 because of his para? balanced no?
  13. right and thats why for example a bounty hunter full buffed would have equal chances vs a full buffed sh with elemnt right? because its abalnced and pro ppl have always a chance no matter what char ofc l2 is completly different targeting system/pvp etc almost all aspects
  14. wjo cares if some aspects are similar l2 is still a complete different game Thats why l2 players play l2 and not wow because it is different Soem features which come out new might shock ppl and you have to adapt to it but its not as hard as you think I think even in epilouge l2 is a nice game And unbalance existed in l2 since c1 so...
  15. well i dont think that you somehow can change hardware id of hdd and somehow i ran out of ideas sry Maybe some1 else can help? :(
  16. ye thats why it was a joke omg
  17. well you could try but will it fit on it?
  18. hmm well dont you have any friend who has a external hdd which you could lend for 1-2 hours to try it out so you at least know if its the hdd or not?
  19. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=135677.0 does this not work anymore?
  20. if you get acces failed all the time something from your hardware is banned imo not ip VmWare will use same ip to make external connection You menitoned that you reinstalled os and that you even changed network card to go around the ban If thats true then only option left is hdd ban and that the harddiskserial changer doesnt work Not sure but i guess that vmware creats a virtual hdd for itself resulting in having a fake hardware hdd serial? Anyways maybe some other ppl can give their opinions P.s.:If you have no other options you can "boost" the hardware vm ware uses On default it only uses 1 gig ram etc of your comp
  21. doesnt work in epilouge :( (joking)
  22. nearest attackable target so? does mean that it wont work in town on players etc go out of town in a bch of passive mobs and it will work
  23. Changing MacAdress: http://www.gorlani.com/publicprj/macmakeup/macmakeup.asp To make VmWare work: PressVm->Install VmWareTools and after it installs restart the vm if neccesary
  24. Even though you did kinda "insult"me on the other thread where you requested help in I still offer my support: my idea is that you shouldnt use ingame/login name on cheaterforums I suspect it because well who would make a sig extra for maxcheaters with a th on it Anyways your mac adress could have been banned, your hdd serial your oem number or your ip Do you have a external or 2nd hdd?(not 2nd partition on same hdd) if yes put hb client there delete the system folder redownload it with updater and try to start the game If that doesnt work-> install vmware ->install windows xp or some shit on it-> copy hellbound client inside and try to run the game from there if that doesnt work->try to change your mac adress :) if that doesnt work -> change your ip if you can or try to log over proxy (battleping.com?) if that doesnt work? you are -beep-ed XD
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