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Everything posted by killik

  1. you need to have macro on 2nd bar not first from dualbox
  2. lol well i showed you how to config sandboxie Ill explain it overall again You have to run the L2.exe from first downlaod link i gave you ! You have to start the client with your buffer with sandboxie The client with your dd char you need to start normally In your BuffersLineage2 in game options under key mapping you have to activate Enter Chat Now if you have your dd char in foreground and your buffer in background you need to press windows button + the number key "1" Then it will execute the first shortcut in the second bar of your buffer windows button=
  3. There is a method which is easy and which doesnt require a bot. Download this: http://www.2shared.com/file/5277363/d6fa1d47/l2_online.html and sandboxie: http://www.2shared.com/file/5276923/7bd3af0/SandBoxie_v334_Uploaded_By_Admiral.html Its a little hard to explain so if you have any questions you might ask! Start the L2.exe from first download link(which you can place anywhere on your comp dont matter (its not the game.exe just has the same name)) Then after you downlaoded and installed Sandboxie you have to configure it. 1.Create a new sandbox named second: 2.Next click on the new created sandbox > sandbox settings and check the "Show sandbox name in window title" box in the appeared window : If u have this done,just go the to l2 system folder,right click on the l2.exe file and choose "Run Sandboxed".If everything is ok it should ask u in what sandbox u want to run the client - choose the "second" sandbox. With Sandboxie you are supposed to login the buffer char of yours! In the buffer Client which you just started with sandboxie you have to turn on the "Enter Chat"option (if you dont know where that is ill provide a screen)Then you have to put lets say a macro on the 2ndskillbar of your healer with "/target yourmaincharname" and "/useskill MajorHeal" now startthe client of your real char normally without sandboxie anddont turn "Enter Chat" on for this client. If you now press Windows Button and the "1" key on your keyboard your healer will heal you even if your Main Character Client is in the foreground Credits go to Emir0n If there is something you didnt understand just tell me and ill explain.
  4. +4str -con if you have zaekn and anthy +4con -str if you dont have bossjuwels
  5. wc: http://www.gogygo.se/forums/showthread.php?t=5686 pp(scroll down): http://www.gogygo.se/forums/showthread.php?t=3995
  6. walker or l2net? in both cases yes i think
  7. i can maybe understand it fif some user with 100-200+posts complains but you have 1-3 posts and say its absurd... come on
  8. most probably same keylogger as the one 2-3 threads below this :) dont download
  9. junk? why post here then? l2net 385 will work but not as good as walker with this method or l2net with this method Stil respect for 385 since it will be harder to block it with a bot protection and its useable not only for rpg
  10. still sounds like a nice keylogger to me ;>
  11. so graciafinal.ru doesnt have same protection? or just the old one rpg had before?
  12. why not check with netstat?
  13. You almost dont give any info and dont even say what server How is anyone supposed to help? Maybe give more info and then ppl might help you
  14. Did send you a pm :)
  15. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=159668.0 can you speak russian?
  16. name of server would actually help and you posted in wrong section btw Here would be the right place: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=46.0 But moderator will prolly move it
  17. Any demand for a fully working l2net tutorial for rpg or is walker enough?
  18. i already gave you an answer to that yes it is but you probably could replace it with proxifier or similiar tools
  19. well mostly its required but on lineage.ro you wont be just able to bot only with using ipjack they added the kasha protection which kills foreign tools etc and have some ingame protection aswell There is at least 1 method i know how to bot there but well not allowed to tell ;X If you really wanna bot there you ll need more then that to keep long story short
  20. I think that you are doing something wrong IpJack takes teh connection of your l2 client and redirects it to your localhost ip But in the config of IpJack you determine the exe from which ipjack is supposed to grab the connection-> mostly l2.exe It shouldnt temper anyhow with your browser. Alternativeley you can use Proxifier for example to do the exact same thing that ipjack does but well oyu have to input the right settings yourself instead of just writing server ip like in ipjack :)
  21. Made the screenshoots bigger and made the proxifier explanation yellow:S Well because iam sooo nice and in good mood today i put post requirement down to 500 but thats the best ill do it wont go lower ;o
  22. Thanks for Karma If you set it up 1x time its enough after that everytime you want to bot you only need to run: proxifier, forward.bat. wickedpatcher and walker and you can login without problem :)
  23. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=159668.0
  24. Attention! Seems like they added an invisible item which drops your stats drastically and makes your char unplayable I think there is a higher chance that l2net will ignore this item due to the option "ignore invisible items". Item id seems to be 19998. Could be that there are more items like this one though. Thanks to Danie3l from l2net forums. _____________________________________ Yo guys since noone posted any guide on how to bot on rpg for so long even though its working for a while now I thought I should show some mercy and do one. Since this method is totally different from the old one I insist on making and keeping it in a seperate thread. Things you need: Proxifier: http://www.proxifier.com/download.htm Its just a 30 days trial so get a working key somehow (buy/google ;) ) Botpack(IG+OOGWalker +patcher +TcpTunnel+l2.ini+unprotected l2.exe): http://files.mail.ru/4RUE2J 1- You need to copy the provided L2.exe and the L2.ini in your rpg club system folder but beware after you do that you ll only be able to login through Walker so if you want you can back your system folder up first. (The l2.ini is edited and points at your localhost instead to the server which is neccessary) 2-Rename the Rpgupdater.exe in something else like RpgUpdater.exe.backup (if you run the updater it will overwrite the files which we just replaced so you need to rename it) 3- Install Proxifier and do the settings for it: After you made it to a full version ill show you with screens now how to configure it: 1)The pic should be self explanatory: 2)After you press point 1. on the following screenshoot you ll have a line named loopback which we dont need so you better remove it besides that do as you see it on the screen if you have questions just ask: 3)After you pressed the add button on the previous screenshoot you will have to press the first Addbutton in the next screenshoot and choose the L2.exe from your rpg club system folder and then do the steps as you see them on the screenshoot -> shouldnt be too hard. 4)If you done everything right it should look like this: Press the ok button and minimize Proxifier. ->Everytime you want to run walker from now on you only need to start Proxifier nothing more :) 4-Unrar the TcpTunnel.rar and run the forward.bat (This is needed so walker gets verified and works so you have to keep this open all the time you want to bot)-> Dont run the TcpTunnel.exe 5-Go into the WpfNew Folder and run the WP663f.exe I already configured it so you shouldnt need to do anything except running it everytime you want to bot. Additional Information: ( Nothing important) This tool runs a script which nullifies the bot protection. I might be that your Anti-Virus gives a False Positive ( If you dont believe me you can download the original WickedPatcher and scan it: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=151031.0 but this one is not preconfigured) 6-Run the provided IngameWalker and Choose the path of your L2.exe in the RpgClubFolder. After you login press the Home button on your Keyboard to get into the walker menu Under Basic Option-> Other Ctrl Check if your walker is verified. Then go to Information -> Maps and see if you see all other players around you as dots If you now can take someone in your target and still move you did everything right and it works. 7-Outgame Walker: Ifyou wanna run outgame walker you have to do the settings as the following Instead of Id test and pw test ofc you have to input your real password and id Additionally you have input your pw and id normally as you would login with the oog walker aswell Since i dont feel the need to further explain it ill just let the screenshoot talk: Work Done - Have your Fun xD
  25. you can play your class how you want you can even run around without armor if you want but he asked for good dyes on db on oly and pvp
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