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Everything posted by nagudung

  1. I found there were no relationship to npc id. There is other factor actually.
  2. Nope, it's not a matter of paid or cracked version of bot program. It is so funny that I just found the reason. It's a bug of adrenaline/l2walker. Now I can make all other NPCs undetectable by those bot programs. This is so funny and silly bug. Problem solved! Close this topic please.
  3. I found very strange thing about adrenaline. When I spawn squash npc (id: 12774, 12777, 12778, 12779, 13016, 13017), I don't see those npcs in the list of NPC on adrenaline. I checked this with l2walker but l2walker didn't show me those npcs either. It's like transparent npcs. Anybody knows why? Only those NPCs are not detectable. It's very strange.
  4. How to put background image like that in html? Not icons but big images. How?
  5. Thanks for the tip. But I got all the buildings disappeared with no frames at all. Different look.
  6. Incomplete share! Not recommended unless he uploads all the necessary files.
  7. Virus found and failed to download!
  8. I logged in l2e-global.com. When I clicked on mouse wheel, I got a transparent map. Does anybody know how to implement this?
  9. I made it myself. Lock this up.
  10. I made it myself. Lock this up.
  11. Does this updated system work on win10 as well? Anyone tested it?
  12. Engine.dll from system 148 and system 152 is not the same. So copying is not the answer.
  13. Instead of system 148, I found system 152 for epilogue. But it's english system. I'm using korean client and full of *-k.dat files in my system 148. I changed languageset in localization.ini and copied all *-k.dat from system 148 into system 152 but I could not see korean fonts in game at all. If I can use korean languages and *-k.dat in system 152, it might be easier to solve my problem. I found out one thing. My system was packed by themida and distributed by Fyyre. But I have no contact info of Fyyre.
  14. I still have an issue unsolved yet. I have epilogue system 148 which does not run on windows 10. I really have no idea how to solve this out. So I'm looking for a client mod developer who can make this work out. I think this issue is related to themida/winlicense. I'd like to pay for the work. Please pm me.
  15. Oh.. this is good. working good on epilogue version.
  16. Hi guys.. I've been looking for windows 10 fix for gracia epilogue. Anyone can help me please? No body talked about this version.
  17. Hi.. guys I'm looking for someone who is good at client modification. I have a server which is epilogue version. But the problem is it does not work on windows 10. So I need help with this. Is anyone there who can make it work on win10? I would like to pay for it. PM me please.
  18. anybody help me with this?
  19. Hi guys.. I'm looking for L2 epilogue system (L2ProtocolVersion = 148) working on windows 10. (32bits, 64bits) I've been reading threads here but people only talked about interlude or gracia final. I need help with this please.
  20. In that case, I have no idea. I don't know how to edit ukx files. :( I need someone to help me with this.
  21. What version of client did you apply this to?
  22. Hi.. I have found a lot of nice client modifications here especially for NPCs. I adopted new NPCs(monster) into my pack(epilogue). But the problem is that I could not get any sound effects for those NPCs(monster). Animation works fine but no sound at all. I edited npcgrp.dat and associated new NPCs with existing sounds but it didn't work at all. Anyone can help me please? I don't know how to deal with textures if it has something to do with it. For example, I applied the below new npc into my system. But no sound effect working. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/197101-virus-npc01-hf5-interlude/
  23. I applied this to l2 epilogue version. Monster generation is good but I can't get any sound effect working. What's wrong?
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