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Everything posted by ѕιккєη

  1. pm me robert_xxx_@h**.come
  2. nice engine, giving me ideas for somthing XD
  3. +1 for asking him, btw i know allen, and he wouldn't mind you changing this, don't worry, but he will probably release an official copy of this script for epilogue ;)
  4. lol, this dosnt work with l2emu...
  5. simplest program to make an aio buffer http://www.4shared.com/file/105254174/d2021a31/aio_buffer.html
  6. lmao this is amazing!!!!
  7. nice share, this is very usefull tool...... !!!!!
  8. i like, you need to redo your data files, but i love tex !
  9. and... why not client mod?
  10. man, kill in one shot is best way without keys, works very well... or you just have to sps hit same box at same time..... l2w to the rescue
  11. dwarven spoiler, man... i played without buffs, and make so much money on dnet.... set up walker and take a nap, or get laid.... you need to have 2-3 dwarfs in same party (done on infinity 5x) so not to acually exp...
  12. for this to happen, you need to understand how gg works, as you log in, gg sends info to server, if server recives no info, or wonrg/corrupt info... then it will kick you. you need to set gg to send the correct info, without gg accually activated, basically you need to maipulte the program....
  13. these are amazing, i will use for sure!!
  14. nice, but i think this was already share also with draconic armor...
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