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Everything posted by LeGend1

  1. nice features i will join for sure
  2. same as euroworld's site...
  3. nice share,keep up i think that the black one is better but the red look nice too, downloading....xD
  4. very nice share man keep up, i w8 for the 0.6 ver ;P
  5. L2 > WoW :D
  6. exeis to acc tou chebu?hmm ok, name ig?
  7. kane search,egw me search exw vrei apo tis kaluteres buffers kai gmshop gia gracia final gia gk twra dn kserw..kane search pandws kai kati tha vreis sigoura
  8. epd tunxanei na pezw gold k 3erw oti mono enas ekane crocks +21 k prosfata, pes m darkside pws legan tn filo sou stn gold p ekane monos tou ta crocks +21 na dw an les ali8ia gt k egw lew oti ekana to lf to +23 pou exei o Cheburashka alla to ekana?
  9. egw epeza ston palio,ton cursedworld se auton mpika otan protoanoikse na dw pws eine k eida oti htan oloidios me auton p epeza palia.apo tote dn ksanampika.
  10. ok file petmezi se euxaristw polu.
  11. nai,alla egw thelw thn ip diktiou mou,oxi tin kanonikh mou ip.
  12. geia sas pedia, thelw na mou pei kapios pws na vrw thn ip tou diktiou mou giati steino diko mou server kai sto guide pou koitaw lei vale thn ip tou diktiou sou kai den kserw pws na thn vrw.euxaristw.
  13. pezw ston l2 gold c4 giati o admin kani sunexia updates,einai polu balanced exei dika tou weapons,dynasty set,einai c4,exei polu kosmo kathimerina, dn einai j,to mono kako ston sugkekrimenon server einai oti xwris donate estw kai me ena weapon den thewrise char.site:www.l2euroworld.com
  14. ston server pou pezw egw to pof einai kalutero gia fighter gt dini 100p.def perisotero se sxesi me to cov.alla gia ta upoloipa class ektos fighter fusika kai cov.
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