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Everything posted by CryStaliN

  1. Lineage2 Fnatic,Lineage2 SK =))))
  2. https://scontent-fra3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11892222_868625216558938_5696833922947183927_n.jpg?oh=dbc17453dec44154f602ffe6e14730b1&oe=56498CFA vecina
  3. Doar din clanul meu 80% sunt donators (50$ +) sa nu vorbesc de davai vodka.. Si daca se inchide ori ma intorc pe DN sau averia deci np. La "biro" e plictiseala deci na..
  4. Care se baga cu mine pe Skadi-Dex ? E facut de Lineage.ru si Lineage.ro. Am deja S grade deci e ok serverul si e multa lume .
  5. CryStaliN


    Nooo please i hate this so called music
  6. E lesinat omu' =))) In perioada asta nici eu nu pot misca
  7. You'll be able to get the S grades pretty soon . Also there are no OP donations.
  8. Server is full of lol items and they haven't even translated the spanish to eng.
  9. Lots of players (mainly from RU) hate when chat goes to russian only.Also the LOA farming zone is so crowded that you can't get any mob Also saw several guys with S grades (one had draco set + db+f+6 rofl) but in overall the server looks good. With so many people farming you won't make it in one week and that is the purpose i guess. (low resp time for mobs + few mobs) so the farm hungry players can't get anything.
  10. MaxCheaters.com My control panel Settings Display Name not sure if normal members can though
  11. CryStaliN


    get rekt noobs
  12. Never been on a server with this system and now its too late.I'm not eager to learn new things that i should've learned long time ago. But i was more into the substack servers like DN so this is why i never gave it a try.
  13. I would join if it was without the rebirth system. (everything was looking good)
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