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Everything posted by Grim.

  1. Grim.

    [Gr]Greek Bays

    Blindman ? Eipa ta 9elw se logariasmo trapezas.
  2. Geia sas, 9a i8ela na rwtisw ama xerete kanena kalo greek bay giati 9elw na poulisw kapoia pragmata kai xreiazomai ta leuta i sto xeri i se logiariasmo. Euxaristo gia ton xrono sas.
  3. Mikres diafores exun, opos i karta grafikwn, ...
  4. Grim.


    United forever suckers <3
  5. To turbo kalitera, pio ftino kai idia statistika panw katw.
  6. Gia pio pragma to xreiazesai ?
  7. Iparxun sklira-malaka. Mexri kai help gia ta tsigara katadisame na dinume edw....
  8. Notification Center as blane requested :
  9. Oh yes i found that while i was hanging out with my friends, i will post some later :)
  10. Here you are Blane With the camera i just wanted to show the options and not the resolution (3GS)
  11. just update in iOS 5 :D
  12. BTW Οτι smartphone κυκλοφορεί είναι μια φτηνή απομήμηση του iOS. Proud to be Apple user !!!!
  13. You should watch the way tou talk, you could just say me a made 2 mistakes. Also i only see Tryskell working in the Timeline so i thought so.
  14. Too bad that i've really been to United States
  15. Tote file mou oloi 8a itan plousioi!
  16. Lets hope its not gonna be a fail like voice controller
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