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Everything posted by |Itachi

  1. romental riera sena kai erxete kialo ;)
  2. Im back noobs so i will post my newest creations 20 days without ps ;D I want serious c&c not just 10/10 good job or 9/10 i like it
  3. apoti blepo pame gia europa league xD
  4. HoN sucks ! w8 6.68 the return of the noobs of hon xD
  5. Passed xD
  6. WoW im amazed! I mean great flow - quality - colors all fits perfectly P.S: Dont add text
  7. You kids should stop using these shits that destroy the game
  8. Perfect sizes are: file>new Web instead of custom and choose one of these sizes xD
  9. downloading...
  10. omg im in love with your new sig
  11. Thnx mate btw do you have my msn right xD?
  12. I told you you have improved. this piece is a masterpiece noob :S
  13. v2 is cool btw large art>small art
  14. no blend LQ no light source
  15. kk thnx arxizi na ginete kai psilo spam XD locked
  16. Im so excited with the new episode 9 tails WoW but the forth hokage stoped him :D omg lets see pains ass kicked (i love pain actually :D)
  17. ton galleti ton exoume akoma?
  18. blepo iparxoun pola pro edo :)
  19. 8rilos here ftw :D btw o marinakis exei orama ton blepo ego stoxeui to europa league :D
  20. THnx pedia xD btw ego pisteuo oti katastrefoun to dagger class apla XD
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