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Everything posted by |Itachi

  1. read the posts omg i will request to clean this topic with all you
  2. Sofaki and Blane can ontopic: Sofaki accepted
  3. I think yes Offtopic: take a look at ps misc section plz http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=165075.0;topicseen
  4. hello ladies and gentlemen today is you lucky day! The ultimate gfx tournament is here! What special this tournament has? This tournament is with teams! Emo and Trendy What shall we do? Every team has to do 3 tags What i should do to join? You have to fill the next application: APPLICATION TIME IS OFF FAIL IN FILLING THE APPLICATION MEANS THAT YOU CANT PARTICIPATE So the applications period end tomorrow same time 17:00 (Greek time) After that there will be 2 days until every team show us their signatures. The signature theme should be: 1st tag: Animes 2nd tag: Game renders 3rd tag: Abstract sigs If a team fail to in one of the following rules and instruction its a -1 The rating will be count in the same themes. For example animes: Emos :1 trendy :0 so judges will counts the final results for example emo team - trendy team animes: 1 point 0 points game renders: 0 points 1 points Abstract: 1 points 0 points Winner : emos (for example) The judges will be GodPower[A] Goddess[A] Coyote[A] The judges should leave a comment with accept or decline before the application time ends (tomorrow 17:00) TEAM WILL BE CHOSEN WITH A GENERATOR SO YOU CANT SELECT YOUR TEAM!!! Question are all acceptable. P.S:If you skill level is too low you will be declined List of accepted members till now: Kobeshoot Sofaki unqART Morian Project DarkSlayer MasterDisaster AndroniX TEAMS: Emos: Sofaki unqART Project AndroniX Trendies: kobeshoot Morian DarkSlayer MasterDisaster
  5. DO you code too? btw this piece is awesome
  6. sure...
  7. 8a protimousa oxi hero giati ti xriazome gia na tin kopso alla ola dekta..
  8. Freaking awesome ;D
  9. The best football celebration eva http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKlucE-5nIM&feature=popt00us00
  10. hhaahahahaha
  11. how the fack did you create HQ orc from the starting LQ :? log msn anyway
  12. indeed sta teleuta min tou siege ginontai ta kalitera capture :)
  13. adenas sent
  14. I pray to you omg you are my idol your work is awesome bro if only i could by one :S but right now lack of money
  15. Race: Orc HairStyle: Dont care HairColour: Np Armor: Vesper Weapon: Fists Accesory: No Movement: No Also Enchant glow red plz and augment glow also. P.S: I WANT HQ RENDER :)
  16. +1 again and again this enchant rate is illegal
  17. Cool share pwnz0r i really like it good job :)
  18. ucoz.com = fail.com
  19. voice command ? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? this is an awesome share
  20. giauto agapame greek mafia ;D
  21. lol you are full of ideas :D
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