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Everything posted by |Itachi

  1. Se sobarous server de piani kanena ;(
  2. http://www.airfall.es.gd eh? :S
  3. Welcome on forum mate as I see you have to learn english first because you dont know what introduce yourself mean :)
  4. I have told you again and again SMALL BORDERS 1px max :S
  5. its the 1st time i hear this ;S
  6. doesnt working ;S
  7. anyone has test it on infinity aion?
  8. The signature is awesome but you facked the eyes xD
  9. wtf my brother said im hacked xD
  10. start by adding text blending :) what i mean make the text not normal but strong or sharp or smooth or whatever fits xD also move the text closer to the render
  11. @nikoloudos7 water bazo logo ton ligo resist pou exoun sta pvp eno hole - dark - earth - wind full ine apo resists
  12. Wanna improve or not xD?
  13. Good luck with your server seems pretty good to me ;)
  14. bad text big borders Not much effects Keep practicing xd
  15. players on?
  16. players on?
  17. Ghost Hunter fisika..
  18. The bigger fail i have saw in this forum
  19. I didnt understand nothing
  20. we need these sections
  21. Omg you guys should learn how the fack to resize a render!!!! I will tell it once Hold shift button and the resize omg ;S
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