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Everything posted by spencer

  1. i think for people who like star wars it isn't boring, i played in kotor1 and in my opinion it's very interesting game
  2. the witcher http://www.thewitcher.com/community/en/
  3. nice work, with screen and video its easy to understand :)
  4. thx man, its very useful yes, it works :)
  5. i often use dreamwaver, i think its very good program
  6. its great, i need it, thx man :)
  7. i like poker, its my 2nd favourite game (1st is ofc l2 ;) ), i think its great but difficult game http://www.pokerstars.com/ i play online there for few weeks
  8. 1. Lineage 2 2. The settlers 4 3. CoD 2 4. GTA 3 5. NFS underground 6. WWP 7. Q3 8. Heroes 3 9. Mafia 10. MoH
  9. mmorpg - L2 rpg - gothic
  10. check this out
  11. it's very helpful guide, thx man
  12. nfs and gran turismo
  13. lotr, star wars, k-pax
  14. hmmm i'm not sure but i think it was pacman or mario
  15. CoD 4 and Q3
  16. short but funny :)
  17. /evaluate eXistence :) see u in game ;)
  18. win xp and ubuntu
  19. good work, I think I will use this website, but first i change logo, yours logo is very big. :) thx for share
  20. Hi! FroZeNSoul :)
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