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Everything posted by torture

  1. C1 bnb poli vromia ksilo kai poli vrisidi apeiro lag apeira pistsirikia genika enas server ellinikos kai teleios mpourd...o.Osoi dn epeksan exasan
  2. Its hard to do a proper script.But try it
  3. Mporei na se varesei opoios exei mazika skills dld skills pou epireazoun mia area .Opote an eisai konta se alous kai kapios as poume SH kanei twister tote tha dextheis dmg opws oloi oi alloi.An pali eisai konta se enan warlord kai aftos kanei earthquake to skill tha se epireasi.Genika ta mass skill pou anaferonte se mia sigkekrimeni area mporoun na se hit.Dn eipe kaneis oti ginese aoratos, apla dn mporoun na se paroun target.Thats All nioste too
  4. Its simple,u dont have to use script for dlvl just go to dwarf village add the guards to the option for delevel and let your dwarf until the the lvl u want to catch.Its so easy.And dwarf village is the best for this task.Just prefer the option that walker gives u and the only think u have to do is to add the guards for delevel and also check the time dead return to village..
  5. In most of servers, pets doesnt die before u just stay on 1 hp.So u dont have chance
  6. Dont post again for HLAPEX .IS DEAD.The ammount of servers had fixed the back hole and there isnt chance to make things on servers with HLAPEX so dont post again.TY
  7. Just Use SEARCH guys and dont spam.Or u cant use help section
  8. It has been very long time I heard that OE success probability was 2/3 (66.666%). But it was only a theory and not proven . So far I have 4002 OE verified reports and 1258 have failed. This gives us an observed OE success probability of 68.5657 % According to the Bernoulli theorem The real OE probabilty is between 67.13% and 70% with a confidence level of 95% The real OE probabilty is between 66.86% and 70.27% with a confidence level of 98% The real OE probabilty is between 66.68% and 70.46% with a confidence level of 99% Source www.l2wh.com
  9. Paides oti kai na ginei i ncsoft vgazei ta trela lefta apo to paremporio tou ebay pou kinete girw apo to ebay,kai me ta accounts apo to farming lvling.To source code mporei na eklapei omws panta oi dev tis ncsoft exoun to panw xeri kathws exoun pneumatika dikaiwmata idioktisias kai ama theloun mporoun na klisoun olous tous prive se mia nixta(oxi tous l2j) opote perimenete ligo k min vggazete amesa simperasmata.Mia etairia san tin NCsoft katoxeirwnei me diaforous tropous tin idioktisia tis kai dn nomizw na tolmisei kaneis na vgalei l3 prin to kanei afti k an akoma to kanei tote tha klisei amesa logo jail.Opote min tous akoute an klapsomouniazoun.eleos poia mas exoun kapsei to mialo!!L::D
  10. Dragon Network paides apo tous kaliterous server pou exw peksei . Me polla custom pramata kai panw apo ola stuck subs swsta .Poli kali douleia exoun ston server oi devs.An pekseis peripou 6mines ta exeis kanei sxedon ola nobless,sub,sieges gamata crafts kai oti dipote prosferei to game.foveros server apla min xanete to xrono sas apo dw kai apo kei dokimaste ton kai dn tha xasete!Egw proswpika meta apo ena xrono egkatalipsa to server k pleon dn pezw kati allo giati kanenas allos server dn einai toso organwmenos se ola ta epipeda(bugs,custom things,ktlp).try it and u wont loose
  11. Iparxei tropos alla tha prepei na allakseis oli ti domi tou diktiou sou kai na min kanei yperdiktiwsi wste na vgenete me mia ip.Alla pragmatika tha exeis provlima me to internet meta opote diskolo to kovo.
  12. SE//BD----->very nice sub and very usefull party member TH//DA---->My char very nice sub Necro//DA--->For experienced players powns TY//Warcryer--->Nice stats and self buffed nuker Also very nice is SK//SE and WK//HE the second one i think isnt very nice atm cause drake has reduce his stats and weapon masteries. Very nice is also Necro//Bishop at Olympiad powns with spam heals . At least EE//SPS was very nice if u like cast speed and cancel :P.
  13. Egw sta megala lvl protimousa panta nano scavenger ntimeno me b grade kai 500 healing pots gia olo to vrady pou ton afina,dn eixe xasei pote kai episis ton evaza molis einai sto 20% apo hp na kanei kai ena fake death kai telione to paramithi.Akoma k otan evgainan 2 apanota tin paleve mia xara o xontrelas.
  14. Man try yourself there are a lot of l2walker walkthourghs just type search and read them carefully
  15. A simple explanation for box-chests on interlude : I know that on c4 there was two types of treasures and the boxes opened with deluxes keys or unlock.The chests was had the same attributes as usual mob and they had droplist. Now on interlude there isnt segregation between those old types.So Ifound this : I play with IG walker and i see mobs HP. If u are in an are with boxes there is 2 types of Hp's .For example u click a box and u see 2300hp and u click another box in the same area and u see 9000 hp.The box that u can unlock with skill or deluxes keys is this with the bigger HP.Check this .I hope that i help.Always open the boxes with the bigger HP from their neighbours boxes HP. In a small area there are 2 types of HP's .good luck
  16. Hlapex doesnt work at most seriouts servers and especially c4 retail servers.On NM or Dragon network servers there was never worked , so dont spend your time .!!
  17. Kliste to thema re paidia eleos poia!!iremiste
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