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Everything posted by rasad

  1. guys why u beeing so bad on him ? let him ask for what he wants! i dont know his skills and really dont care ! but maybe somone will ! so let it be!
  2. yeap useful ! works for me so ty!
  3. tnx fro share! some of them r really really great!
  4. i was looking at this forums and found a lot of tricks/bugs to how to get out from jail so i searched a little on the net and found this ! i hope it will be useful : L2Extend.ini [JailSystem] ModEnabled=1 BlockChat=1 BlockParty=1 BlockItems=1 BlockAttack=1 BlockGeneralActions=1 CJailSystem.h class CJailSystem { public: CJailSystem() { } ~CJailSystem() { } static void Initialize(); static bool IncommingPackets(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, INT16 nPacketLen, BYTE nPacketID); static bool BlockPacket(CSocket *pSocket, BYTE *packet); static bool Say2(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, int nPacketID, int Length); static bool RequestSendFriendMsg(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, int nPacketID, int Length); static bool RequestJoinParty(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, int nPacketID, int Length); private: bool bModEnabled; bool bBlockChat; bool bBlockParty; bool bBlockItems; bool bBlockAttack; bool bBlockGeneralActions; }; CJailSystem *pJS = NULL; void CJailSystem::Initialize() { // Initializing the Object pJS = new CJailSystem(); // Parsing the Config File pJS->bModEnabled = CIniFile::GetIntValue("ModEnabled","JailSystem","L2Extend.ini") == 1 ? true : false; pJS->bBlockChat = CIniFile::GetIntValue("BlockChat","JailSystem","L2Extend.ini") == 1 ? true : false; pJS->bBlockParty = CIniFile::GetIntValue("BlockParty","JailSystem","L2Extend.ini") == 1 ? true : false; pJS->bBlockItems = CIniFile::GetIntValue("BlockItems","JailSystem","L2Extend.ini") == 1 ? true : false; pJS->bBlockAttack = CIniFile::GetIntValue("BlockAttack","JailSystem","L2Extend.ini") == 1 ? true : false; pJS->bBlockGeneralActions = CIniFile::GetIntValue("BlockGeneralActions","JailSystem","L2Extend.ini") == 1 ? true : false; } INT32 nJailSystemIncommingPackets = 0; bool CJailSystem::IncommingPackets(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, INT16 nPacketLen, BYTE nPacketID) { L2SERVER_SHARED_GUARD(nJailSystemIncommingPackets); TLS_TRACE_BEGIN; bool bResult = true; if ( pJS->bModEnabled && pSocket->user->IsValidUser() ) { if ( !pSocket->user->SD->nBuilderLevel ) { // Is in jail if ( pSocket->user->IsInJail() ) { switch ( nPacketID ) { case 0x21: //RequestBypassToServer case 0x2e: //RequestMagicSkillList case 0x33: //RequestShortCutReg case 0x34: //RequestShortCutUse case 0x35: //RequestShortCutDel case 0x3f: //RequestSkillList case 0x63: //RequestQuestList case 0x64: //RequestDestroyQuest case 0xcd: //RequestShowMiniMap case 0x5b: //SendBypassBuildCmd case 0x5e: //RequestFriendInvite case 0x5f: //RequestFriendAddReply case 0x61: //RequestFriendDel case 0x6d: //RequestRestartPoint case 0x6e: //RequestGMCommand case 0x81: //RequestGMList case 0x82: //RequestJoinAlly case 0x83: //RequestAnswerJoinAlly case 0x84: //RequestWithdrawAlly case 0x85: //RequestOustAlly case 0x86: //RequestDismissAlly case 0x87: //RequestSetAllyCrest case 0x88: //RequestAllyCrest case 0x89: //RequestChangePetName case 0xa0: //RequestBlock case 0xac: //RequestRecipeBookOpen case 0xad: //RequestRecipeBookDestroy if (pJS->bBlockGeneralActions) bResult = BlockPacket(pSocket, pPacket->GetBytes(0x00)); break; case 0x1e: //RequestSellItem case 0x0f: //ItemList case 0x11: //RequestUnEquipItem case 0x12: //RequestDropItem 0x17 RequestDropItemFromPet (?) case 0x13: //GetItem (not used any more?) case 0x14: //UseItem case 0x15: //TradeRequest case 0x72: //RequestCrystallizeItem case 0x73: //RequestPrivateStoreManageSell case 0x74: //SetPrivateStoreListSell case 0x1f: //RequestBuyItem case 0x44: //AnswerTradeRequest case 0x58: //RequestEnchantItem case 0x59: //RequestDestroyItem case 0x8a: //RequestPetUseItem case 0x8b: //RequestGiveItemToPet case 0x76: //RequestPrivateStoreQuitSell case 0x91: //SetPrivateStoreListBuy case 0x92: //RequestPrivateStoreBuyManageCancel case 0x93: //RequestPrivateStoreBuyQuit if (pJS->bBlockItems) bResult = BlockPacket(pSocket, pPacket->GetBytes(0x00)); break; case 0x0A: //Attack case 0x2F: //RequestMagicSkillUse if (pJS->bBlockAttack) bResult = BlockPacket(pSocket, pPacket->GetBytes(0x00)); break; case 0x29: //RequestJoinParty case 0x2A: //RequestAnswerJoinParty case 0x2B: //RequestWithDrawalParty if (pJS->bBlockParty) bResult = BlockPacket(pSocket, pPacket->GetBytes(0x00)); break; case 0xCC: //RequestSendFriendMsg if (pJS->bBlockChat) bResult = RequestSendFriendMsg(pSocket, pPacket, nPacketID, nPacketLen); break; case 0x38: //Say2 if (pJS->bBlockChat) bResult = Say2(pSocket, pPacket, nPacketID, nPacketLen); break; default: bResult = true; break; } } // Try to interact with someone in jail else { switch ( nPacketID ) { case 0xCC: //RequestSendFriendMsg if (pJS->bBlockChat) bResult = RequestSendFriendMsg(pSocket, pPacket, nPacketID, nPacketLen); break; case 0x38: //Say2 if (pJS->bBlockChat) bResult = Say2(pSocket, pPacket, nPacketID, nPacketLen); break; case 0x29: //RequestJoinParty if (pJS->bBlockParty) bResult = RequestJoinParty(pSocket, pPacket, nPacketID, nPacketLen); break; default: bResult = true; break; } } } } if (!bResult) { //CLog::AddAnsi(1,"[%s] Blocked Pckt[0x%02X] from [%ls]",__FUNCTION__,nPacketID,pSocket->user->SD->wszName); } TLS_TRACE_END; return bResult; } INT32 nBlockPacket = 0; bool CJailSystem::BlockPacket(CSocket *pSocket, BYTE *packet) { L2SERVER_SHARED_GUARD(nBlockPacket); TLS_TRACE_BEGIN; if(pSocket->user->IsValidUser()) { pSocket->Send("c", 0x25); // 0x1F - ActionFailed goto ACTION_FAILED; } TLS_TRACE_END; return true; ACTION_FAILED: TLS_TRACE_END; return false; } INT32 nSay2 = 0; bool CJailSystem::Say2(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, int nPacketID, int Length) { L2SERVER_SHARED_GUARD(nSay2); TLS_TRACE_BEGIN; INT32 nPos = 0; wstring sText = pPacket->GetWString(nPos) ; nPos += ((sText.size()*2)+2); INT32 nType = pPacket->GetDWord(nPos) ; nPos += 4; wstring sTarget = pPacket->GetWString(nPos) ; nPos += ((sTarget.size()*2)+2); if(pSocket->user->IsValidUser()) { if (pSocket->user->IsInJail() && nType>1) { pSocket->SendSystemMessage(1357); // You have been blocked from chatting with that contact. goto ACTION_FAILED; } else if (nType == 2) { CObjectEx *pTargetEx = CPlayerTracker::GetUserByName(sTarget); if ( pTargetEx && pTargetEx->pCreature->IsValidUser() ) { if ( pTargetEx->pCreature->IsInJail() && pTargetEx->pCreature->SD->nBuilderLevel==0 ) { pSocket->SendSystemMessage(1355); // That contact is currently blocked from chatting goto ACTION_FAILED; } } } } TLS_TRACE_END; return true; ACTION_FAILED: TLS_TRACE_END; return false; } INT32 nRequestSendFriendMsg = 0; bool CJailSystem::RequestSendFriendMsg(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, int nPacketID, int Length) { L2SERVER_SHARED_GUARD(nRequestSendFriendMsg); TLS_TRACE_BEGIN; INT32 nPos = 0; wstring sText = pPacket->GetWString(nPos) ; nPos += ((sText.size()*2)+2); wstring sTarget = pPacket->GetWString(nPos) ; nPos += ((sTarget.size()*2)+2); if(pSocket->user->IsValidUser()) { CObjectEx *pTargetEx = CPlayerTracker::GetUserByName(sTarget); if ( pTargetEx && pTargetEx->pCreature->IsValidUser() ) { if ( pSocket->user->IsInJail() ) { pSocket->SendSystemMessage(1357); // You have been blocked from chatting with that contact. goto ACTION_FAILED; } else if ( pTargetEx->pCreature->IsInJail() && pTargetEx->pCreature->SD->nBuilderLevel==0 ) { pSocket->SendSystemMessage(1355); // That contact is currently blocked from chatting goto ACTION_FAILED; } } } TLS_TRACE_END; return true; ACTION_FAILED: TLS_TRACE_END; return false; } INT32 nRequestJoinParty = 0; bool CJailSystem::RequestJoinParty(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, int nPacketID, int Length) { L2SERVER_SHARED_GUARD(nRequestJoinParty); TLS_TRACE_BEGIN; INT32 nPos = 0; wstring sTarget = pPacket->GetWString(nPos); nPos += ((sTarget.size()*2)+2); INT32 nItemDistribution = pPacket->GetDWord(nPos); nPos += 4; if(pSocket->user->IsValidUser()) { CObjectEx *pTargetEx = CPlayerTracker::GetUserByName(sTarget); if ( pTargetEx && pTargetEx->pCreature->IsValidUser() ) { if ( pSocket->user->IsInJail() ) goto ACTION_FAILED; else if ( pTargetEx->pCreature->IsInJail() && pTargetEx->pCreature->SD->nBuilderLevel==0 ) goto ACTION_FAILED; } } TLS_TRACE_END; return true; ACTION_FAILED: TLS_TRACE_END; return false; } this will block almost everything a player can do credits go to fidow for making it and me for share it here
  5. i'm glad to see u didnt forget about the server and w8 u all in game! let the pvps begin!
  6. amazing guide and yes i can say unique ! but imo a balanced server is hard to make cuz some simple things : 1. the time and knowledge for that; 2. many admin "close their eyes" to some of this beacose always will be players unhappy about their char(the worst part is that the unhappy players can donate their money so...) anyway unique guide
  7. celestial shield for me > best in oly
  8. yeap i wonder that at all excelent shares like this one i see and i am so mad that i dont have the time to do it too
  9. I voted for overlord! with his seals.... but now depends on the server! are some servers where ol is .....
  10. i'll put my money on Elemental Summoner because is good in oly!
  11. nah... i love it just the way it is! Edit >> first photo : mmmm 3,5/10 second photo : 8
  12. i would choose for playlist No. 1 ! nothing more nothing less!
  13. then work it out like u did with the rest of the picture
  14. second one is much better !! btw who hitted u on the head?? u r bleeding!(that i dont like)
  15. Damn! do u have to do a quest for that and when u get it u can fly from town to town??? no more custom Gk ?? lol is one of the best shares i have ever seen until now
  16. i believe u r talking about a server with stackable Subclasses (Base + 1) > if yes then i believe a tanker is best if not make another subclass u played before and u know best(but all depends on server)
  17. maybe if u tell us what pack u try to instal and indeed put some ss here maybe u will get the help u need [RO] nu are cum sa nu mearga ! acum nu pot sa stau sa iti explic ce si cum dar in weekendul asta vb ok?
  18. 16/08/09 The17Heroes Gracia Final Open! Ow Yea ppl today is the day! server OPENS TODAY! download the patch and very soon you will be able to login! custom npc enchanter enchant instant & safe to + 350 ---> needs 2kkk adena each item after that safe enchant to +400 but it costs 200 euros(item in game not real money) each item ---> btw they r not that hard to get augumenter npc tvt event every 30 min custom gmshop with all items u need including items for noblesse(and i mean here lunargent and hellfire oil ; the rest is up to u) gk with all teleports including raid bosses epic and not and a custom place where u find all npc for skills enchanting fireflare armor ---> for fighters electric vesper robe ---> for mage(this one looks hot) fireflare weapons custom experience area(fast lvl so u can pvp more) custom farming area and mobs custom farming area for newbies Follow this link and i hope to see u guys in game http://the17heroes.net16.net/index.php?id=home
  19. i like baium followed by valakas! imo are the two raids worth to be killed! the other epic jewels sucks!
  20. yeap that's icarus weapons! imo looks better this way! downloaded and added to collection! i wonder why they didn't make it like this from the beginning?
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