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Everything posted by Kяaσh

  1. Believe i won't say if the pack is good or anything else but be sure no one have it.
  2. One think only can u tell me how you calculate the 10% better performance? Elfo thanks for the help.
  3. How the blue hell performance can be better since the server is java based that actually has nothing to do with server's performance..
  4. Easy to decompile it non protected , and also give me the task i want to see the performance.
  5. if (activeChar.isDonator()) { Announcement.getInstance().announceToAll("Donator " + activeChar.getName() + " has been logged in!"); } To make that work you should already have Donator system implemented may donator method does not exist in your pack but use the correct one.
  6. 'Οταν ο σέρβερ ξεκινάει με προβλήμα και χάνει τον κόσμο του στην συνέχεια είναι πολύ δύσκολο ο κόσμος να μπει ξάνα , όταν ανοίγεις έναν σέρβερ ο κόσμος θα σε εμπιστευτεί μια φορά μονάχα διότι υπάρχουν πάρα πολύ σέρβερς με λίγα λόγια είχες την ευκαιρεία σου την έχασες , για αύτο πάντα όταν ανοίγεις έναν σέρβες κοίτας όλα να δουλεύουν ρολόι και στις μέρες μας δεν υπάρχουν ευκαιρείες Φρόντισε να φτίαξεις το game play όσο καλύτερο μπορείς μήπως καινούργιος κόσμος προσπαθήσει να μπει.
  7. I've made them already one year ago :P
  8. One more thing i can be your server developer and also i'm open to be partner in your project.
  9. Server Development For thoose who know me i decide to return back on l2j scene Well i'm here to offer my services that means you can ask everything you want related to l2j more specified 1:Core modifications 2:Skill Fixes 3:Npc Modification 4:Server Setup 5:Manage Database 6:Reworking features Also i own a pack and i'm willing to selling Client interlude full modified And ready for use as many from here know this pack used at l2sandora with a big success L2Sandora was online with more than 2000 people per day without any problem or lag , if you want a ready bug(doesn't mean the perfect pack , perfect pack does not exist basically.) Many members here know many things about that pack well if you interested you can pm me here or add me on skype Skype : krashitogr Thanks also if you afraid about scamms you should know that noone all this years said a single word for me. also using my services i quarantine professional and fast work my job is Computer programmer & Network and computer manager.
  10. Αν είναι καινούργια η οθόνη χρειάζεται drivers.
  11. As everyone can see you are not the topic author. fofas can reply what he needs and also u pretending his lawyer ? U are staffer what the hell is that?
  12. My eyes sh1t , ah com'on Romeo it's not big deal to make bots or to tell your friends.
  13. Ασφαλή λειτουργεία άνοιξε task manager και θα δεις κάτι μαλακίες ανοιχτές σβήστες , και μετά βγάλτες και από το startup.
  14. Δεν είμαι σίγουρος αλλά έχω την εντύπωση ότι το 3γσ πέρνει μέχρι την έκδοση 3.
  15. Im against selling work without permission report me if you want but i will keep that topic locked.
  16. Not enough informations about the server if you want it back pm me to unlock. Locked until then.
  17. Εάν χρείαζεσαι κάτι άλλο κάνε με πμ να το ανοίξω ευχαριστώ.
  18. Proofs or never happend also locked until i get that pm avoiding future scamms.
  19. Already shared many times , take a look before you post. Locked.
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