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  1. xxdem this would have to be the most decent post I have ever read from you without insulting other's etc. Nice work and I actually mean what I have said. I hope this works out for you and your team. cheers
  2. N1nj4styl3 , Trance & Aphelion I know it actually hurts that you are wrong and all you can do flame and make up lies as much as you need to, which is ok by me because at the end of the day I just laugh so hard at you kids talking shit. Aphelion I love how you said Dev runs my server and logged into my computer with team-viewer or with some other tricks LOL seriously kiddo, you need to get a life. Look for something else to complain about or keep flamming me with all your lies. Like I said all I am doing is laughing at these post and replies. I never post in someone elses threads about there servers but I know you guys can't help yourself. Please keep trashing me and my server that Dev apparently runs LMAO. Cheers Colville PS I wont be replying again as I will just sit back and laugh at the stupid replies :ph34r:
  3. I really couldn't help but to laugh at this when I was told what Aphelion posted with the ip stuff. Aphelion if you actually new my ip address which you clearly don't, so I don't actually know how you came about the IP's address being me LMAO once again. Also I really can't understand why you guy's keep talking about me but any way check this. Here you I will help you find my IP address : As you can see here is my IP address from my fourms This next picture is where the actual IP is located Oo and the service provider + its a static IP & this was taken with my phone and look it says Optus which is my mobile provider in Australia. Now I am sure you are going to say this is Photoshoped but seriously get over the fact that I am running a server and not the original owner of Wargate hence the reason I renamed it to start fresh. If you like please ask the mods here to confirm my IP if you like as I have nothing to hide from, also I will chat with you on vent if you really like. Cheers to my fans Colville PS: I have never seen my name mentioned so much since I opened this server thanks again
  4. Attention seeker.. Dev don't even bother replying to this person anymore.
  5. pls lock I have fixed it
  6. Hi I have the following script which was shared on mxc which is : <?php $dbuser="*"; $dbpass="*"; $dbname="l2jdb"; //the name of the database $chandle = mysql_connect("*", $dbuser, $dbpass) or die("Connection Failure to Database"); mysql_select_db($dbname, $chandle) or die ($dbname . " Database not found. " . $dbuser); $sql="select characters.char_name,characters.pvpkills,char_templates.ClassName,characters.online,characters.accesslevel from characters,char_templates where characters.classid=char_templates.Classid order by characters.pvpkills DESC LIMIT 10"; echo"<html><head></head><body bgcolor='#2E1000' style='color:rgb(200,200,200)'>"; echo "<table border='2' align=center width=440>"; echo "<tr><th>Nr</th><th>Name</th><th>PvP Kills</th><th>Main class</th><th>Status</th><th>Clan</th></tr>"; if ($result=mysql_query($sql)or die("Bed Sql syntax")) { $nr=1; while ($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo "<tr><td align=center>".$nr."</td>"; $nr++; echo "<td align=center>".$row[0]."</td>"; echo "<td align=center>".$row[1]."</td>"; echo "<td align=center>".$row[2]."</td>"; if($row[4]==0) { if($row[3]) {echo "<td align=center style='color:rgb(0,255,0)'>Online</td>"; } else{echo "<td align=center style='color:rgb(255,0,0)'>Offline</td>";} } else{echo "<td align=center style='color:rgb(255,0,0)'>Hidden</td>";} $sql2= 'select clan_data.clan_name,characters.clanid from clan_data,characters where clan_data.clan_id = characters.clanid and characters.char_name like \''.$row[0].'\';'; $r=mysql_query($sql2)or die(mysql_error()); $row2=mysql_fetch_row($r); if($row2[1]==0) {echo "<td align=center style='color:rgb(255,0,0)'>Clan Less</td></tr>"; }else{echo "<td align=center style='color:rgb(255,0,0)'>".$row2[0]."</td></tr>";} } }else{ echo "<!-- SQL Error ".mysql_error()." -->";} echo "</table> <br> </body></html>"; The problem I have is the GM's show up on the list. Can someone help me so the list doesnt include GM's Thnx
  7. Can some help with the crest.php I can't get the clan crest pic to work on the web page $file = fopen('ftp://IP Address/C:/gameserver/data/crests/'.$name.'_'.$crest.'.bmp', 'r'); //fopen($filename,'rb'); is this right or am I doing it wrong ? thnx
  8. hNoke are you able to give us the new update release with the Zombies please ? for our registered verision
  9. ATM I have made our second server with the correct hexid etc and I have followed all the guides I could find and I am using the same chronicle and only 1 login server, but for some reason I get this area now: Connecting to login on FATAL: Failed to open server socket. Reason: Address already in use: bind Registered on login as Server 2 : Sieghardt All ThreadPools are now stoped SIGTERM received. Shutting down NOW! RaidBossSpawnManager: All raidboss info saved!! GrandBossManager: All Grand Boss info saved!! TradeController saving data.. This action may take some minutes! Please wait unt il completed! TradeController: All count Item Saved Olympiad System: Data saved!! Data saved. All players disconnected, shutting down. server terminated Can someone please help..
  10. And you are still posting here for what reason.. This is L2WarGate thread not the server you are GM on....
  11. You still just don't get it know one here cares to read your post in this thread look at there responses go and look after your own server...
  12. Actually how would you even know ?.. this..? not that I even care about your comments most of the time. I suggest instead of trying to be funny or what ever you call it. Go back to your own server/forums and sort out your own problems as pidi21 made response regarding people complaining on your forums refer his post on page 7 of this topic, which in fact has nothing to do with our topic. BB & GL Anyway back on topic.. With feed back on our forums we read all feed back and respond to the post asap when we have time. But this doesn't mean the problem doesn't get fixed asap while waiting for the response.. Also players can PM us anytime they like if needed as some people don't like to post on forums because some people make comments which aren't nice regarding those players.. Cheers
  13. Yea I can't wait to have the server finally online and hopefully all will run smooth as. We have worked on this server for a long time and we had to make major changes from the first version. I hope we see all the old players and a heap of new players when we open this week.. Cheers
  14. Well aleast you made an effort to advertise L2pride.
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