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About orbit

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. I like mages so I'll say spellhowler
  2. hellkinght has touch of death (debuf,remove bufs,all cp down in 1 hit), on a low rate server i would bet on dark avenger here don't know i think paladin cause it has imba gear and the panter don't make much dmg on that gear
  3. new style sounds better, more criticals are prefered, even if the damage is not so impressive
  4. u will make good xp with this setup
  5. definitely HE ::)
  6. this is pure gold for a newbie
  7. this tatoo's are for high rate servers
  8. it's simpe more crit power more dmg
  9. BD cause I needed a support char
  10. AvP - playing the Marine campaign scared me senceless :D
  11. Firefox is the best by far 8)
  12. Heroes II on the PC Mario on Playstation ... those were the days
  13. hi guys !!! nice being here :D
  14. welcome 8)
  15. whoa!! ALOT of cash :o
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