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Everything posted by hakanbey

  1. It downs't worked for me but ty for share maybe its working for others ;)
  2. postet maybe 6 times use search button next time like he sayed ITS NOT JUST FOR DECORATION
  3. I've sayed before pfff... L2maniak is not good but this server is the same and farming is easyer i like it i play there 1 day my name is in-game Opterix if you need anything PM ME ;)
  4. old trick it works on a few server but nice share
  5. please update your files next time to megaupload or anything else i cant read anything ^^. But seem like good. /offtopic Lineage 2 transforms to WoW
  6. isn't that normal vesper weapon? If not good share. Keep Up!
  7. with l2phx you can make your weapon for example +7000 and learn skills but you cannot increase your own states and not them from each other
  8. move it to right section you're here false
  9. it works i've tryed in l2theabyss and this server hasn't bugs or anything else and you must do the 3rd class change quest but you dont need to make ketra ork alliance anymore because then you have Green Torem and Divine Wisdom
  10. Nice server i'll give a try
  11. Sry i've made 1 thing false but i've edited now and its completely right and it works 100 %
  12. Awesome Citical i love your Share's.Keep up /offtopic if you opn a pvp server with this armors i will never leave it ;)
  13. omg im best lineage2 face i've ever seen hahahaha
  14. Ok,first you need make the Ketra Alliance quest you can find it here http://lineage.pmfun.com/list/quest-more/alliance-with-the-ketra-orcs next if you do the quest and you have earned the 2nd Badge you need to do this quest http://lineage2.stratics.com/content/library/quests/index.php?id=15073 ok now you must go to asefa now comes the trick you must buy more Thief keys and take one Divine Stone of Wisdome and delete quest then return to Wahkan in Ketra Ork Outpost and take the Magical Past quest again and return to Asefa make this 5-6 times and you dont need to make Ktera Ork Alliance quest anymore BUT DONT KILL AN KETRA ORK ANYMORE BECAUE IF YOU KILL THE QUEST IS FOR NOTHING Credits to me Quests to lineage2.stratics.com This isn't an exploit so it can be fixed in servers but i tryed in L2theabyss and it works
  15. The forum looks like a cheating forum like MxC lol but if i can join i will give a try
  16. Wrong Section Move it to right section And if you are vista user run it as Admin
  17. if you dotn play lineage 2 you're in the wrong section Dont Spam
  18. UBERAWESOME. Best pet in lineage 2 i've seen
  19. Awesome i tryed and it qorked ty very much keep up
  20. its old but in some servers is working but that server really suck but thank you for share
  21. Looks like I'll join. /offtopic wow im downloading with 400 KB in 4shared o.O ^^
  22. Nice job Critical. Keep up your nice works
  23. Ty looks like a ninja shield and your player to so its really good :)
  24. i dont have it from here and thats really old so
  25. First of all we need an mp3 to OGG converter (as music in l2 is OGG formatted) such as Alt WAV MP3 WMA OGG Converter. When you download your converter, convert your favorite mp3 into ogg and go IG using a latest rev of l2j. Go to admin panel and click music... start testing the musics till you find the town you wish to add your song... Now we go to the music folder of lineage II in program files and search for the file's name we wish to replace with our song (you will find it IG as i said before...) and delete it (or keep it for backup :P) and we add and rename our song (in OGG format of course). That's all, now go IG and enjoy your favorite music ;)
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