LOL i love the nude patch, fukin hairy ass pussies nd what not.... DE female is the best xD. Anyways i never play kamael client anymore, ct2 aww the way!
LOL piccolo is funny. Anyways, i definetly think it wud work, but it may not after you RR the server. Ill give it a try whenever i have the oppurtunity to augment with passive/active skills. thanks.
whaa the hell thats a damn cool program, it shows drops and monsters stats or what? i see all that dex/con/str/int/wit/men and stats nd stuff. Thats awesomee
careful to change only the numbers you need thou, and i think its only 2 pairs of number u need to change, not that many, so liek 4 in total, or maybe 2.
[hide]Interesting enchant lag thou its really hard to work with seeing that not all servers have lag unless theres liek 1k ppl on it. Server restart one seems good thou, ill give it a try.