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Everything posted by Primordium

  1. I will download this one! Later i share some comments
  2. Well i hope gameplay is good 'cause looking by the graphics it could be much better
  3. welcome
  4. Is a boring but yet wellknown game... I dont play it looks always the same to me.
  5. LoL still needs a few tweaks
  6. forsaken world is a mix between aion and wow :P
  7. Maybe he is asking for an agro patch since this is the Cliend Mods Help... Use search in maxcheaters and type Agro patch and chronicle you're playing
  8. I dont know why, but when i removed the HP: function of the titles it removed the "crest" of the minions so its fixed :D Ty all
  9. Im trying to trough LinageUtils edit npmname-e.dat original posted by dexterro http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=156899.0 im just trying to edit the title format to be smaller, but now as you can see on raidboss minions it shows some kind of crest, and I dont know why. Anyone can help me to correct this? This Crest only shows in RaidBoss minions, no other mob was found with the crest.
  10. Underground 2 and Most Wanted are good :P
  11. Windows Xp most reliable, fast, etc ...
  12. found it on a linux distro and a loved it! windows version not so good ... but give it a Try Search google for Amarok
  13. its a funny game, and you follow all your race/being evolution!! but at end game its a little hard to beat the other race! But nice game anyway
  14. some brazilian server, dont recall name! add lots of donnators
  15. Bruno => zushidotomo
  16. yeah its old, but ppl always talk about the pet bug, and that dont work in 95% of servers ... so this might be a new away for some ppl
  17. Already tested some time ago in Interlude, same works for selling (not usefull) but if you try to sell an item and you pass max amount of adena you wont sell it :S
  18. I know that this bug work on some OFF servers, so im posting for you to have a try! Its simmilar to the common shop bugs but it works around a little! Remember the old Shop/Pet bug?! forget it So how its done? 1. In dual box open two diferent characters 2. Put a shop selling an rare uncommon item like 25kk each. 3. Now on the other char buying the same item for the 50kk, now in order for this to work on OFF servers you will need to have almost the max adena ammount (2,147,483,647) ... 4. The trick is, if you dont have space to collect the adena for the item you will not buy it :P My advice is to use S/A grade weapons cause they are very expensive in low rates... so you dont need to have all that adena buy for 1,5kkk with a 1kkk in inventory. I hope you understand this exploit.
  19. hardware ban usually is associated with account ban, so you can play on server but in other account P
  20. Im using this program for a long time, its very good for low rate servers when you want to do ^RBs, you can track covers other partys etc ... the interface is nice but some options dont work for me like auto cp-hp maybe is the server i play or the version of game, but it crashes :P
  21. Ty for this compilation! it is awsome and helpfull +1
  22. Ty for your answer, so lets say that im gonna do Adventure with full Draco + AS with CD wich dyes should i use to have a balanced critical rate vs Blow land rate?
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