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Everything posted by mogo

  1. U Dumb Phuck ;) koksas, how do you know that you are getting flooded? the client<->server communication usualy goes through UDP so a high amount of those packets is not necessarily flood.
  2. You know how they say "if you want to learn programming, you have to sit down and do some programming!". Start off with the general stuff: learn the primitive data types ( int, float, char, ... ), boolean algebra, conditions, loops, declaring your functions(methods). Take a good look at arrays (variable[index]), then try understanding so-called multi-dimentional arrays (variable[index1][index2]...). Practice all of those by solving actual problems (calculating the factorial, sorting data in arrays, and many many more). Once you become confident with above stuff, move on to the actual object-oriented part. Get a good understanding what is a class, object, constructor, 'visibility' (public,private,protected). After 'crunching' these, move on to the advanced OOP stuff - inheritance, abstract classes, interfaces, polymorphism, static members... With this knowledge you should be able to understand how (and why) THE ALMIGHTY L2J core works (and even do your own events, systems 'n shizz yo). Use the sun's java tutorial which Matim posted. It is very very good and helped me a lot when i 'learned' java after using only c++ at uni. Can't remember if it actually includes problems to solve, but you'll find lots of them in 'java books'. All in all you just have to sit and code. Start with simple tasks and go advanced. In other words, you can't do 'le parkour' if you can't even walk properly.
  3. I can't understand what you can't understand. He wants a GM command to be able to add a specific player to a specific TVT team. Kapish? On topic... Well, have you written any code yourself?
  4. In addition to Intrepid's post. The 'else if' thing is the simplified version of if(something) { doStuff(); } else { if(somethingElse) { doOtherStuff(); } else { if... } } due to some nesting rules you can simply achieve the same result with: if(something) doStuff(); else if(somethingElse) doOtherStuff(); else if...
  5. If you want to be really helpful write a simple 'documentation' for this 'event engine'. Try to cover other possible properties of the xml file, not only those that can be seen in this example ;)
  6. I would start banning for posting "shares" like this one.
  7. The code is awful and useless. I've also noticed the thing that you can make "free money" but you guys were faster ;) and i hope Coyote wasn't refering to adenaman :o
  8. How many have you sold already? I'm not hatin' or something. I'm simply curious.
  9. Did you relog before typing "which java" ? If you want to contact me, use the inbox here.
  10. Log in as root and do this: create (or edit) /etc/profile.d/java.sh file export JAVA_HOME="/usr/java/jre1.5.0_11" (change this to the directory you've installed java to) export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin" When done creating or editing the file type type: source /etc/profile.d/java.sh Now any user should be able to use sun's java Try: which java and the results should be /path/to/your/installed/java
  11. If you are on debian lenny edit ~/.profile and add this at the end: if [ -d "$HOME/jdk6u21" ] ; then PATH="$HOME/jdk6u21/bin:$PATH" export JAVA_HOME=$HOME/jdk6u21 fi Change the paths to whatever matches your setup.
  12. That's your problem. Post what you get by typing echo $PATH and echo $JAVA_HOME
  13. Wow great idea! Yeah it is possible with a bit of coding. Im going to do this later this week
  14. Make different categories then. Baium ring category 1, aq category 2, zaken category 3 and so on.
  15. Drop the whole database and execute the sql batch files again
  16. Remove "none" from the getConnection(none) method call
  17. Post your startserver.sh (or whatever its called) here
  18. Well the only logical explanation i can think of is that the fort manager tries to load some data about a fort owner and encounters a nullpointer as there are no characters left. So you might want to set all values in the forts table to zero (except fortType field)
  19. It seems that you've deleted more than accounts and characters :DD
  20. Have you even tried to do it yourself? What errors did you get? You may need to edit the imports, some methods and/or method calls.
  21. First, make sure your events are derived from the same class. Lets say it's called BaseEvent. Now make a new static or singleton class, we'll call it EventInfo. Make a container (list, vector, whatever) for BaseEvent type objects inside. Modify the events so that they add themselves to the container when started, and remove themselves when finished. Now you can make your voice command handlers to list running events ( EventInfo.getInstance().listEvents() ), etc, etc. Well that's how i would do it, but it might not be the best solution as i'm still a beginner :/
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