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Everything posted by NITROUS SYSTEM

  1. ok ty ean to vreis ise theos egw den mporesa na to vrw!
  2. Ean exeis kane kai to Psila to kefali-Going Through!TY
  3. tou eriksa.... xixixi... :D
  4. min pezete tous exipnous ean exete kati na moirastite dwste to alliws oust apo edw...
  5. don't have the ability to ban only to give -1 karma!if he collects -5 from me ban!
  6. You have posted that link and i moved it to spam section...so this time is -1 and a warning..
  7. Maxtor sxetika me ton 7killer simfwnw apolutos....alla tha diafwnisw gia ton LiamXroy epeidi den vrisko tpt to paraksenw epeidi to topic exei xefigei entelws kai theli ena lock(to opoio to ksexasa tin proigoumeni fora..)alla oxi kai delete to account... TOPIC LOCKED.... akoma vlepw oti eseis den katalavene ellinika kai xalate tetoia wraia topics me to SPAM sas....
  8. At last your haircut is done... :P
  9. Very nice share killer_007 +1 karma from me for this wonderfull share...Keep up the good work...
  10. Nice i hope you will help the member of this forums to get it as fast as they can will you? :P
  11. apo ti exw akousi den douleuoun ta scripts sto dragon...alla den eimai sigouros..pes mou ligo ti server einai C4 off?
  12. Nice work guys...Global mod or admin sticky it...
  13. egw exw auto to provlima me to diko mou pc(gia petama einai vasika)Inte pentium 4 2.4Ghz 756mb Ram 333mhz kai Ati radeon 9800SE kai den mporw na peksw kanena server xwris lagg... Regards NS
  14. If i don't see a pic witha jump i will not believe to anyone....
  15. nice job m8!keep up the good work!
  16. nai kai emena ayto me parakseneuei kainourgies kai toso ftina!Ti marka einai oi DDR?Buffalo,kingstone or what?
  17. Topic Locked This thread wasn't made for discussing pussy!
  18. Good job m8 hope to see it soon!! :P
  19. Seems a very good and tricky bit exploit...will try it at some servers...
  20. That's your opinion...very usefull for GM's and Admins...
  21. I think that you don't get it?There is no server where the jump available....to do that they must mod the animations of client...if you are noob and don't get it then i can't do anything...
  22. Kane esi add kai meta vlepeis douleuei h oxi...
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