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Nisker last won the day on January 24

Nisker had the most liked content!

About Nisker

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  1. Kudos my friend! you really did a great job!
  2. All your demo urls have dns problems or demo hosting is down.
  3. Vouch for this interface, great developer, great interface. Thank you!
  4. Only keys required are the NC ones (if your exes are not patched) https://mega.nz/file/vRwjVSDb#COL4ixisX5_rNJ-fYR0WAEapANnjJv0MVipFdCoIsxg
  5. Is possible to share the datapacks again please. Edit: Nevermind, got it from your discord. Thank you!
  6. Have you finish the autohunt module ? on this days people who play work, even ncsf realized that and added autohunt on essense.
  7. Full drama - 0 Megashare
  8. Sadly ∽Ave∽ went to the darkside and scammed me after waiting for month and a half proofs http://prntscr.com/k3eadb http://prntscr.com/k3earb http://prntscr.com/k3eawk http://prntscr.com/k3eb9x http://prntscr.com/k3ebvt
  9. I knew Vanganth for some time and he always delivered excellent results, his extender was very stable on those old days with more than 3000 online people and must say without restarts in weeks, maybe the code is a bit messy as he say but his logic is excellent. Thanks for the good times!
  10. As title say, if you have it on L2J or L2OFF contact me on private message.
  11. okaygoods is a known scammer, they manage several websites and scamed a lot of people. This are the sites they manage: www.c9walmart.com www.dfostock.com www.diablo3walmart.com www.fcsgame.com www.gw2walmart.com www.mesosok.com www.ncwalmart.com www.okaygoods.com www.okdiablo3.com www.okgoods.net www.rskfc.com www.runescapewalmart.com www.selldekarondil.com www.sellkina.com www.vindictus4u.com So you are warned, never ever get gold, adena or whatever from thos chinease scammers.
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