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Everything posted by ciasteczkowyp

  1. my advice: a) check all Your custom items b) arrange them in tiers and adjust stats, giving someone a +50 000 mana earring is not a good idea, most probably You don't even know what stats are given by Your customs c) l2 isn't only about farming, the only thing that your server offers are 3 zones with around 50 total mobs, this gets old in 30 minutes.
  2. so 20 000 p.atk and 2 999 atk spd is balanced for You on dagger ?
  3. customs are balanced ?
  4. I had to download at least 600 mb
  5. chronicle ?! You would have know, that You can set the chronicle icon in server topic options IF You had even bothered to read section rules before posting here. And another thing, can You put system on 4shared, megaupload, rapidshare, fileserve or filesonic ? I mean, this updater already downloaded 100 mb and there's no end, how large is that patch of Yours ?
  6. this word means fail.
  7. at last a server that looks decent.
  8. ax0ax0ax0a0xa0xa0 to sum this thing up: a) Crazy attack/cast speeds b) Totally unbalanced customs c) with the two above there isn't a chance in a million that you'll get more than 30 real retards to play on this $hit.
  9. your server is made for donate only or what ? @lol at this server's donate info omg. +30 items , castles, quick heal pots... pff
  10. there's a previews section for that. Your post will get trashed if You won't move it there.
  11. 1 word for You man: L A G. it would be a nice server without it, no star wars stuff afaics.
  12. mana potions cost 5 million and restore 200 mana health potions cost 5 million and restore 200 hp you can pk people at safe farm zone you fucking noob hahahahaha. fail.
  13. mana potions cost 5 million and restore 200 mana health potions cost 5 million and restore 200 hp you can pk people at safe farm zone you fucking noob hahahahaha. fail.
  14. l2 adena bug. +25 everyone in 1-2 hours. 1 gold bar = 1kkk adena 10kk adena = 1 gold bar. And aa exchanger is even better, You can drop 100k sealstones in 10 minutes and You can exchange max 5k at 1 time. it takes forever. Fail :)
  15. l2 adena bug. +25 everyone in 1-2 hours. 1 gold bar = 1kkk adena 10kk adena = 1 gold bar. And aa exchanger is even better, You can drop 100k sealstones in 10 minutes and You can exchange max 5k at 1 time. it takes forever. Fail :)
  16. can't connect at all.
  17. can't connect at all.
  18. well compared to its start this server has grown to be a decent one. I remember owning those "custom" raids in 3 minutes with a tank, that was a lol ^^. So gj, You don't fail.
  19. heheheheheheh pleasing any of You people is impossible :>
  20. no my friend, my fail toplist will be at least 50 servers long in june as far as I can tell. This says something about the "quality" of "Your average Joe Dev".
  21. gods, seriously? stop drinking ^^ + Good idea with player mob farm! no bots will be there :> good, bosses are always great! just don't make them too easy... when bosskilling takes 30 seconds game becomes lameage I betcha that soulhound will be able to 1 shot kill with curse of divinity. I betcha that gladiator with reflect buffs + riposte + passive reflect in weapon will have 99% reflect like in all servers now. I betcha that doombringers will still be the only one, best farm class because there's no higher dps class in server. I betcha that 90% of people will instantly roll out paladins, shilen templars and eva's templars if You fix the above 3 because tanks are so buffed up in freya that properly geared they can barely loose cp in olympiad and You can get a 95% block rate with elven tank in L2J crap datapacks. If, and only if You can strike a balance in a server to this EXTREMELY UNEVEN game Your server will survive, otherwise it's just dead meat like all current l2 servers except lowrates. There should be a sticky in this forum "Current fucking unbalances in datapacks for all moron admins to read and FIX since l2j team can't seem to give a fuck" good luck, you'll need it. ^^
  22. to clear up the confusion: 1. Schössow wants cheap customs 2. Legend™ can't even read set descriptions 3. Azizka15 says that customs are overpowered without joining server 4. madsmoo qq's about customs being hard to get, probably he's online farming on bot 24/7 to get this 3% advantage and loose in pvp xD 5. !!-BuTcHeR-!! read what madsmoo qq'd and decided not to join 6. Equillibrium didn't even join and was judging you for website so 3 out of 6 people here were NOT ingame, their opinions are IRRELEVANT and only to SPAM and get posts. /CONFUSIONEND don't listen to morons here, just ask players INGAME.
  23. I have nothing against that man, it's really really slightly superior to elegia so only dumbasses would think that it's overpowered. but you do have some dumb ppl there that one thing is sure, even here when you read those comments. Keep prices up, people will want those items and that's all. Making it cheap will make people leave fast.
  24. Dude did You even read stats on those customs ? Seriously making Your weapon with passive augment makes You stronger than wearing that whole custom set, stop qqing when You don't know what you're crying about. it's just about the looks like I wrote omg... you ppl are so dull. Custom has: 7 P.Def more (2.(3) enchant more than elegia) 1% more atk spd 1 more point in strength THAT's ALL OMFG! Passive augment p.atk gives 12.5%, pvp p.atk gives 15%... shit dude this bonus is really SMALL so don't BITCH around dumbass. seriously, even with all enchants ++++++ Custom person will have 2-3% advantage over non-custom, this means 1 hit advantage at BEST! You're plain silly if You think this is unbalancing, it's just dumb to even farm for that custom thing XD
  25. well customs on this servers are basically just for show, freya tops are just slightly worse so custom people won't even benefit in oly, just the looks.
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