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Everything posted by Exte.

  1. TBH, I didn't used this one, there was a buffer installed on my Pack and I editted, if M4GNUM's buffer is same as mine, then I'm sorry but I didn't knew it.
  2. Hello, according to this quote, I'm making this guide. Okay, let's get started, make a new Canvas on your Photoshop. Size doesn't really matters. After making the new Canvas, everything should look like this: Then, go to your tools and Select this tool. (Sorry but my PS is greek.) http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh288/ExtePetrolis/2-1.jpg[/img] Use this tool once on your Canvas, when you're done, everything should look like this: http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh288/ExtePetrolis/3.jpg[/img] After this, make your background as you wish. (NOTE: Background shouldn't be same/bigger than the canvas' size). Here's an example: http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh288/ExtePetrolis/4.jpg[/img] Then, put your render on the picture and make it so the edges are going out of the background, just like this: http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh288/ExtePetrolis/5.jpg[/img] After doing all these steps and finishing your signature, go on File -> Save as.. and Select .PNG Format, like it's shown on the screen. http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh288/ExtePetrolis/6.jpg[/img] http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh288/ExtePetrolis/7.jpg[/img] This is it, you're done! Guide made by Exte, copying this guide without mentioning my name IS NOT ALLOWED!
  3. Hello everyone, after sharing my NPC Buffer, I'm back with my own GM Shop. It's a multisell GM Shop for Gracia Part2 L2jFree, if you feel like testing it, go ahead and tell me your opinions. It's my first try on making my own NPCs, so excuse me if something is wrong. DON'T FORGET to report bugs or not working stuff, I'll be in touch so I can make an 100% bug-free GM Shop. Here's the download link: http://rapidshare.com/files/224135812/999999_GM_Shop.zip Here there are also some screenshots: http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/2153/shot00008.jpg http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/2316/shot00009b.jpg http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/7631/shot00010u.jpg http://img237.imageshack.us/img237/6276/shot00011.jpg http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/499/shot00012pfg.jpg
  4. Well, I decided to start making & sharing NPCs, here's my first work. My own NPC Buffer contains: 1st/2nd/3rd class buffs from Prophet, Warcryer, Bladedancer, Swordsinger, Warlock, Elemental Master, Shilien Elder, Elven Elder. Buffs after Interlude are not included, this buffer is for L2jFree Gracia CT2. Here's the download link! http://rapidshare.com/files/224133066/40000_Buffer.zip Screenshots: http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/9436/shot00002t.jpg http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/9896/shot00003d.jpg http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/9896/shot00003d.jpg http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/8409/shot00004q.jpg http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/4268/shot00005x.jpg http://img397.imageshack.us/img397/9452/shot00006.jpg http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/2678/shot00007z.jpg IMPORTAND: If you like my work, check this topic for updates, I'll be updating my buffer, so keep in touch with my topic. Also, if you find any bug or have any problem, report it to me by posting it here or PMing me on forums.
  5. @Zero: Get some brushes & fonts and start designing some backgrounds, not 1colored. Good work for a starter anyway!
  6. Well, I tried to install Rin4a's Buffer on my L2jFree Gracia Part2 server. Everything went fine, till I spawned the NPC and it was saying that Quest is missing and all this crap. Here are some screens. http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/2549/shot00001e.jpg[/img] Your help will be appreciated!
  7. Well, I've made this topic to share with you my Photoshop creations and I'd love it if you'd rate them/tell me your opinions. Here are some of my sigs. 1) Made for a good (girl) friend of mine. 2) Armin van Buuren theme'd signature. 3) Nothing to add :x 4) Here's the first one 5) Same signature as above, fonts are editted. 6) Dunno but I somehow really like this one 7) The one I use on those forums, dunno if it's good but I kinda like it. 8) 9) 10) I rly love that girl on the signature. Gimme your opinions and if you wish, share your own signatures with us!
  8. @Mafia: As poume oti exo to ItemHandler.jar sta arxeia tou gameserver mou ki ego thelo na to allakso, pos mporo na to kano? Auto rotao.
  9. Loipon, thelo na kano edit diafora .jar arxeia. Auta apo'so vlepo einai arxeia se sxesh me Java, exo tin Java installed ston ypologisti mou alla den mporo na ta anoikso. Tha 'xe kaneis tin eugeneia na mou pei pos mporo na ta anoikso? Thanks, Exte
  10. "Hacker" Nai okay, mallon merikoi den kserete poia einai i ennoia enos hacker.
  11. Mhmmm apovoles. Arketes, as moirasto merikes. 1) 2imeri sto gymnasio giati petaga vivlia se ena spiti apenanti, irthe auti pou emene ekei ki to 'pe ston dieuthinti. 2) 3imeri sto gymnasio giati eixa tsakothei mesa stin taksi ora mathimatos. 3) Allagi sxolikou perivalontos sto gymnasio giati varesa atomo mesa stin ora tou mathimatos. (<,<) 4) 1imeri sto lykeio epeidi estelna minimata me to kinito stin ora tou mathimatos. (LOL) Exo faei ki alles, alla autes einai oses thymamai apo 1i lykiou ki triti gymnasiou.
  12. Or it's servers problem, or your location's problem. With the second sentence of mine, I mean that you may have TOO HIGH ping so you have more lags/delay.
  13. 'Ntaksi, min me fas, den exo asxolithei pote me tetoia. Gia ports ksero mono epeidi stino merikes fores CS Server gia na paizo me filous.
  14. To proto dialekse. Epeiseis, ean den exis stathero IP, auto tha allazei sxedon kathe mera ki etsi tha prepei na allazis ta settings sto router sou.
  15. Pigene Enarksi -> Ektelesi -> pata cmd ki meta tha sou vgalei ena mauro parathyro, pata Ipconfig ki meta enter. Molis ta kanis ola auta, leei Dieuthinsi IP, auto tha valeis.
  16. http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Baudtec/TW263R4-A2/L2J.htm Edo eisai.
  17. Oti na'nai, lol. PVPX = L2 Extreme.
  18. Aporo pos den foreses pali heavy...
  19. Rotfl, nicks used from players of L2Pride. Ow, I can also say that you're not any of them, since I know Thakithan IRL and iKitty/Piggy are dutch. So.. GTFO COPYCAT!
  20. IMO, you shouldn't go for -8 DEX, it gives speed too. So, just go for +4STR -4DEX and you're done. That's about EXP/PVP. About oly, use +4CON -4DEX, +4STR -4DEX, +1CON -1DEX. On glads, you have to use your skills only, not attack at all.
  21. Stefoulis, prepei na sou po oti den xreiazete na vazeis kefalaio se kathe nea leksi, mono stin arxi tis protasis. =.=
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