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Everything posted by Exte.

  1. NPC Buffer contains all buffs except Summon Buffs, 3rd Class buffs and Resist buffs. But, clans which own a clan hall can donate for AIO NPC Buffer which have every buff in it. All buffs last 1h. About Crafting, yes you've to craft your gear. Subclass is free of charge (No quests needed), rates are set to x15 and server is running on Gracia Ct2.3 client. People daily are varying vrom 100 to 200, GMs are pretty active.
  2. Hello folks, I'm making this thread to show you a way on HOW TO OVERENCHANT YOUR SKILLS! 1st of all, I'd like to tell ya that this is a 100% Legal way to enchant your skills and even people on Official do it, but it has some requierments. 1) Having a server where fortress sieges work; 2) Having a clan more than Lv4. So listen up, you have to go to Fortress' Door. There'll be a NPC named Suspicious Merchant. By this NPC you can buy a variety of items and also Register to attack the Fortress. So, you have to register to attack the fortress, after an hour Fortress siege starts and you have to get there and kill the guards in order to conquer the Fortress. Here's the sticky part, Guards drop Knight's Epaulette which Suspicious merchant takes and gives you Giant's Codex - Mastery. Fortress siege lasts for an hour, into this hour kill the more guards possible so you'll have a LOT of Knight's Epaulette. Here's a screenshot of killing a Guard and getting Knight's Epaulette! Once the Fortress siege is over, you've to go and talk to Suspicious Merchant and check what he sells. There, you'll see a variety of items which are also including Giant's Codexes. You have to buy Giant's Codex - Mastery. Trade your Knight's Epaulettes for these Giant's Codexes and go to enchant your skills. Use the Safe Enchantement option. Safe enchantement option enchants your skills like normal Giant's Codexes BUT if skill's enchantement fails, the skill will remain on the same enchant. (Let's say you have +10 Stun shot, you enchant it and enchant fails, Stun shot will remain +10) For each Safe Enchant you make, you need one of these Giant's Codexes, so you better to get loads of them. Also some screenshots on enchanting proccess. So that's all, all you need is these Giant's Codexes - Mastery and enchanting your skills. If you need any further help feel free to post it here. P.s.: This is 100% Legal and not against the rules of Lineage II (official server) P.s.2: This works on every server which contains the requierments wrotten above, no matter if server is L2J or L2OFF. Credits Kamy (Clan mate of mine who told me how to do this, on http://l2-ah.ro) & Exte (For writing it down and sharing it to MxC.com)
  3. What a lie, lol. Acumen and Haste augment skills DO NOT exist.
  4. I said lol'd cuz I saw the freaking date, stop trying to act like a mod or something.
  5. Re 'seis oso kai na nai yparxoun kai alla stats ektos tou P Def. Px oi daggers vasizonte se Speed, Critical Damage ki Evasion, ean esy me tin IC tou gamas to Evasion exei ena stixeio ligotero kai mporei na einai pio evalotos. Anyway, ego se lowrates paizo sixna, kai tora se lowrate eimai kai exo HE 78Lvl me MJ light kai eimai ikanopoihmenos.
  6. It depends on the chronicle. For example, after CT2.2 Destroyer's AOE Poling is fucked up, so you go for Warlord. But if server is CT2.1 and before you go for Destroyer.
  7. Nai alla ta specs tou ypologisti? Ti ram? Ti hard drives? Ti upload sto internet (giati auto xriazete enas server)? Ti cores? Einai polla pragmata pou paizoun rolo stin timi, kai an skeftis oti oi perissoteres eteries exoun sta standard tous 8gb ram me 4hard drives kai 4 epeksergastes, sigoura auta den ta pernis me 60E/mina.
  8. Forate ta armors pou exei mastery to kathe class gia mia fora stin zoh sas. Meta anarotieste giati sas lene 'Noobs' oi alloi. E NAI RE VLAXE NOOB THA SE LENE AN FORAS HEAVY SE LIGHT CLASS! Majestic Light fora gia mena, i kalyteri armor gia Archer.
  9. Simfona me tis pithanotites ston Official o GH exei to megalytero rate gia lethal. Logo tou Mortal Strike kai epeisis tou megalou tou STR se sxesh me ta alla dagger-classes giati to STR paizei rolo sto Lethal Rate.
  10. Lol, se datacenter mia poly kalh timi einai ta 250E/Mina, ta 60 pou eipes den einai gia gamehosting machines me tipota!
  11. Renewal poly kalos stimenos server, pio palia itan o L2-Survival kai eixa filous 3 GMs >.< Ton Shadow (HGM kapote, einai o DeathSoldier sto forum), ton Sawk (Admin) kai ton Dr4g0nKati den thymamai name. Koita, me mena tote epefte trelo corruption afou eixa nikisei se event me Phoenix Bow (Stimeno event, to kalitero bow tou server) kai etroga kathe mera Sailren me ton Shadow. >_____> An kai vasika epeidi ksero ton Shadow apo konta, eixa to account tou kai ta kana auta =p Pantos kalos server, exo oraies mnimes, WeZergInStyle clan <3
  12. Katevase to No-ip DUC, kano install kai treksto. Auto tha kanei update to DNS sou kai tha to kanei No-ip. Meta anoikse to l2.ini pou vriskete sto System sou me Fileedit kai vale sto SrvAdress (i kapos etsi) to no-ip adress sou. Trekse to loginserver/gameserver kai mpes sto Lineage2, eisai etoimos!
  13. Koitakste, to kathe client exei kati neo kai entyposiako, epeisis erxete me nees idees kai features gia to game. ALLA i NC Soft exei kataferei na kanei to Lineage 2 ena paixnidi gia paidia me ola auta ta nea smurf/wow like grafika. Kai ego protimo Interlude, an kai na omologiso oti paizo enan lowrate Gracia Final tora. <____________________<
  14. An sas eklevan den itan lathos tou Admin, diko sas itan, ara poios o logos na sas ta dosei piso?
  15. Kala ego ta psifisa ola, giati den kserete na ftiaxnete polls kai mporis na ta epileksis ola. Epeisis, na min adikiso ta alla chronicle kai eimai ratsistis :<
  16. Oi daggers den xreiazonte P Attack, skill gia Evasion exei kai o TH, mono to Hex itan to mono sosto pou eipes. P.s.: Ghost Hunter einai. Sygxorese me, alla apo oso ksero oloi oi daggers exoun ta idia vasika skills gia damage. Backstab, Deadly Blow, Mortal Blow, Lethal Blow kai analoga to class Critical Blow/Blinding Blow.
  17. Ou nai den vlepis. "IC se tanks opos destro, gladi... ktl ktl" Lol, pos ginete oi kalyteroi melee DDs na eginan tanks? o.o
  18. My biggest fail? Mhmm, I've never failed at all on L2. Biggest success mhmm.. Being respected on almost every server I've played.
  19. Armin van Buuren is the best DJ on the world imo, i've listened to all of his ASOTs (=A state of Trance) and I believe that he's the best. I've also listened to Tiesto's club life, but imo van Buuren's radio show is a way better than Tiesto's. Also, most people voted for Tiesto cause they don't really listen to Trance/House/Progressive Trance music and Tiesto is the only DJ they've ever heard off. So yeah, I voted for Armin van Buuren. P.s.: To Trance-Maniacs like me, listen to ASOT 357, you'll love it!
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