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Everything posted by Exte.

  1. Vresmou 1 post na 'xei flames, mono ena!
  2. You said it by yourself, "...without any fear.." So, stop trying to threaten me with upcoming punishments and such. I guess I already answer to this.
  3. Mhmm... Ain't every single person on this world which is running under the state of Democracy (I'm sure you know lots of things 'bout Democracy, you're Greek anyways) equal to each other? Since the answer to my own question is Yes, sorry Mr. "Global Moderator" but insulting (Did I ever insulted you? No, get your facts straight) you has nothing to do with your Forum Authority, since we're all equal. Okay, you guys are friends, nor me or the rest of the forum cares, we don't have to see your garbage posted on MxC thinking it's funny, IT'S NOT! EDIT: [greek] Afou mono eseis oi dyo to katalavenete, den xreiazete na to dei kai to ypoloipo forum pou "den to katalavenei". "Skotonese" me tis dikes sou lekseis. :)[/greek]
  4. Mmhmm.. so lemme guess, you're gonna punish my forum account cuz I said the truth and you got butthurt.
  5. Congratulations guys! You just prooved me that IQ can go above zero.
  6. Does any script like this exists for CSS?
  7. Manor guide kalo akougete, alla gia na voithiso kai kapos, min ksexaseis simeioseis gia spoilers. Prota kaneis Harvester kai meta Sweeper ;)
  8. Okay, so what I have to do? I'm launching this hack, select the cheats I want to be activated into the game and then launch the game or what? P.s.: I'm using CSS Non-steam.
  9. " Resize parent (panel(Background) -> parent(CViewC4Panel)) not sized yet!!! Resize parent (panel(Background) -> parent(CC4Panel)) not sized yet!!! Initializing renderer... Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface. Support for this will go away soon. - Material : stone/infflrd_blend_dirt - Surface center : 824 2904 124 Warning: using WorldTwoTextureBlend on a non-displacement surface (material: stone/infflrd_blend_dirt). Support for this will go away soon." That's what I get on console.
  10. As topic's title says, I'm looking for a CSS Wallhack for test purposes. Also, I don't want a material wallhack (Making walls transparent) but a wallhack that will show the person who's behind a wall or something, but the walls being shown normal.
  11. Nai giati o Seeyaa itan dikos tou. O SeeYaa tou elite einai Rossos kai to paidi to ksero giati palia kaname parea.
  12. Wow, to kalytero guide pou exo dei pote sto MxC. Giati? Giati oloi legane ena dyo pragmata kai telos, episis ta ftiaxnane gia High-rates me 1000 diaforetika buffs, alla o Billistain ekane poly kali douleia. Mpravo kai pali mpravo.
  13. Yeah that's possible, eventho I'm too lazy for it. D: I, even, cutted some frames to end these signatures a lil bit faster.
  14. I thought of using Windows' default pointer but I thought this one would be better because it's clicking, and I'm sure you know that when you're clicking a button the pointer gets like this
  15. Well, I just made two signatures and I'm confused on which one to use, I'd really love it if you guys could help me with that. 1st signature is this one: & 2nd is this one:
  16. Lol, wtf, I see the site working normally too now. So WTF happened?
  17. So, after trying to load the page http://lineage2.be several times getting the same message, I finally contacted the Admin of L2BE who ensured me for FBI catching them using L2OFF files on their server which was still on BETA Phase. Here's a screenshot of L2BE site getting closed down. From what Saken (L2BE's administrator) have told me, they'll try to make the server and site back again eventho FBI busted them. So, let's wait news from Saken cause everyone'd love to play on an L2OFF server such as L2Be.
  18. Gia na ginomai sigkekrimenos, milao gia auto to kommati tou post sou. "Ο Prophet δυναμώνει τους συμμάχους και αποδυναμώνει τους αντιπάλους του χρησιμοποιώντας το ύψιστο επίπεδο προστατευτικών μαγικών.Με την ευλογία των θεών ανεβάζει τη μέγιστη ποσότητα της φυσικής δύναμης με τo Bless the body.O Prophet μπορεί να ανεβάσει το Mana του χρησιμοποιώντας το Bless the soul.Επείσης μπορεί να επιστρέψει στην πόλη όποτε είναι απαραίτητο." Den prospatho na po oti den ekanes oraio guide i kati tetoio, apla fainete san na 'nai apo translator.
  19. Apo osa vlepo, fainete pio poly gia C/P merika simeia kai translated me Translator giati fainonte polla lathoi.
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