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Everything posted by MarGaZeaS

  1. twra fovi8ika! plz mn kaneis axrista post legontas oti dn pianei enw oloi kseroun kai exei idi postaristei to DN PIANEI!
  2. e fysika! ti eipa molis twra? lol eisai eipa na mn kanete post legontas "dn doulevei" .....
  3. polles fores ean agoraseis megali posotita opoioudipote antikeimenou dn to agorazei alla trws aytomato kick! kai GM informed! opote o gm to katalavainei ean koitaksei stin database! kai se merikous srvrs gia na apofygoun ayta ta "bug" to exoun kanei etsi wste ean fas kick/dc/error = -points opote: GG
  4. Loipon gia na katalavete kati! Egw otan to ekana ayto to post psiloepiane( mias kai dn eixe fixaristei se pollous server) alla twra p kse8aftike ayto to post dn pianei! Pistevw pws dn 8a piasei pou8ena opote stamathste ta anousia post!
  5. Oloi sas perimenete na to deite pws kai pws! Kante kanena share na anevasete kai kanena post kai 8a to deite! Ayto pou kanete kai oi treis einai spam!
  6. didnt tried it but i think that it won't work coz admins are not so noobies to forget fix it!
  7. 2 Words: FUCK YOU Maybe you know what this topic says but, you cant post here if you dont have the posts you need! This is like spam! You may not spam but we think that you spam! So, dont say crap here! And never post again! NeVeR
  8. downloading.... explain more dude! thnx
  9. Vovaxs u are on wrong section. go to l2 develop english or greek section and ull find anything u need
  10. kala items, na ksereis na paizeis kala me warlord, na patas to ka8e skill p xreiazetai tin katalili stigmi... 8a s pw k ena kolpo molis ksanaloggarw gt eimai apo to kinito mesa k variemai na grafw
  11. pw pw to AION toso akrivo einai? re guyz kserw enan gamato hacker p 8a kserei na to paiksei tzampa! aytos p eipe tin 8ryliki frasi: ka8ws kaneis augment kouna to para8yraki tou augment gyrw gyrw kai exei megaliteri pi8anotita na vgei skill! eleoc
  12. Feggaraki mou lampro, fegge mou na perpatw, k an den fekseis xestika exw kai fako!
  13. im in! i like seycheles! its great there
  14. 2nd time that Raule gets karma! pfff rules say: if anyone already gave karma to the poster you dont give again! lolz
  15. ohhhh.... im scared! booo! you wont post any fix for that! oh great hacker! and you gonna make them trush! omfg! plz dont log in to my server! lol naab
  16. i love it! very good, but, is it working in various servers or only in yours?
  17. bullshit! all these "bugs" are already posted each in different topic! you just collect them in your topic and you say they're your techniques!
  18. /agree.... a little difficult to post this topic.... but.... it deserves to be sticky
  19. nc... marese an k dn to exw dokimasei..... to exeis postarei se la8os section ! eprepe na to valeis sto Exploits GR
  20. merika omws dn leitourgoun! toulaxiston ston core mporeis na kaneis ola ta bug mias k doulevoun alla enas server san ton core me tosa polla atoma an eixe enan kalo admin kai empeiro, 8a gamouse... ayto mono.. xwris bug, xwris toso polu donate.... oxi kai superhaste lvl3 enas donator! lol! dn pame kalytera na paiksoume stous servers p exeis 1kkk p.atk me c grade armors....
  21. kai esy dld mporeis na to deis? lol 8elei 100 post k sy exeis mono 24..... @BLaCkD3V1L gt to kse8apses? gia spam? to teleytaio post itan June 21, 2009, 10:51:30 PM » kai to diko sou einai September 02, 2009, 08:40:50 AM »..... Spammer
  22. i have 600 contacts! i only know 300.... the others add me or i add them and i have never talk to them! LoLz agree with gerakiotis! its boring to posting photo xD
  23. BumperrrrccccZzZzZ! Ok Lain, we get the point xD! Can u tell an offer (money-items for this server-anything)
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