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Everything posted by IamYourDeath

  1. Hello cheaters, i just download Crysis 2.I installed and everything was fine until u start the game...everything was black,i could only see the green cursor and nothing more,also i was able to hear all the sounds!any1 knows how to fix? I use Intel i3 3.1GHz,GT430 1 GB,8GB RAM.so i guess is not my system's prob...maybe resolution?i have 15' TV and using 1024x768 analysis at 75Hz
  2. server was fucking great as it was!!!only bad thing was the balance...if the fix it server will be awesome!i cant w8 to join again! LookButDontTouch
  3. too many buffs for me... what is this?safe 5 max 5 75% rate?
  4. really nice features and enchant rates are the best!i will try it for sure!
  5. yeah but sometime ago there were bugs and ppl used them to get items...and now they use these items!so is not really fair for new ppl...so the point is that u wont get many new ppl and the old ppl will be bored soon enough and they will leave...so u can 2 choises...1st)not wipe the server and die in max 1 month,2nd)wipe the server and lose some or many ppl in the begin but after 1-2 days u will get more and more...(if server deserve it ofc...i mean if server has no bugs...etc etc) so is ur decision!
  6. lol?so how u are supposed to start again!!!u know what i think?that u did nothing!u maybe change a lil bit the server but nothing major...u will fail again very fast!exept if u wipe!but i wish that i am doing wrong!gl
  7. true but some1 must tell them that they are not playing l2 anymore...they play another game...
  8. this is not true...in many server features sucks...for example they have like 50buff slots and 30 dances/songs slots or custom shits or really high enchant rates...
  9. spanish shit! kid this is english section! A mod plz delete this topic!
  10. very nice! do u know when u will propably open the server?
  11. gl with ur server!really nice features! i hope max buff slots are something like 26-30+12-14!
  12. omfg...75 buffs +45 dances/songs u call it balance server...???
  13. cool 1st infos! site is not ready? Gl with ur project!
  14. great news!! can u tell us when u think that server will open?i mean mid of November?or something like this?
  15. really nice server!maybe decrease enchants a bit?like safe +6 max +22 (weapons) and +16(armor/jewels) when server will open? add site/forum,or doesnt exist yet?
  16. in 2 months this server will be closed 100%!
  17. then u will have to w8 for many weeks or propably months...so advertise ur server in forums and others sites and open it in 1 week!
  18. true...this cant be continued!u see a new server here u are kind of happy and then u see is homemade shit and u get dissapointed...it sucks!
  19. damn!it took me like 4-5 hours just t make my armor set +6...anyway if server will get more ppl by this way its fine!
  20. wings,tattoos and i guess max buffs slots are more than 40-50...so i guess it will be unbalanced!
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