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Everything posted by IamYourDeath

  1. cant download the patch,i press but nothing happens...when will be ready?
  2. i have items on both servers :) u can check ur database for my name ;) i was playing ur server 2 weeks! i left for personal reasons,ur server was fine!
  3. i say my opinion! u are the real spammer here...actually on the other's server topic...u can check page 5 when u post: "Quote from: Takan on July 03, 2012, 11:07:04 pm items PLS Αhahah Meitux" this is real spam...dont be that angry cuz they take ur ppl...if u have better server ppl will realise it and will come back to u...if not then u dont deserve more players...anyway no more spam as u said...i just posted cuz i think that is unfair to dekarma ppl for ur fails :) cu arround! (PS: u did the same think with another server [i can say the name but u will say that i spam for other server even if its closed now!cya])
  4. as i understand he didnt said that this account is urs...he just asked icool why he is buying items for pride if he is gonna play here...which is a good question imo! PS:i dont play here neither Canyon i just watch ur fight all these days,if u are angry with l2canyon cuz he took ur members dont dekarma ppl who have nothing to do with this... PS2:peace ;) PS3:let the best server win :P
  5. i bet that u can make a much better site! anyway,u can keep this for now but later u must change it for sure,is like free .tk site! also make a forum! cant w8 for the opening tonight
  6. what is gonna happen at 15.7?? :DD i like ur features,i will try it for sure!open tomorrow open beta t report bugs and problems :P
  7. i am bored...if it takes so much for a website how much will take to fix bugs? :/
  8. [GR] τι αλλαξες site?ακομα free ειναι...ελεος δηλαδη!
  9. yeah m2,but its long time since a good faction exist...lets hope this one worths
  10. even with site u cant play :P server will start in 2 days i think
  11. i expected cuz i have seen many server 1-2 weeks be4 opening have at least 100-200 or even 1000 members registered on forum!
  12. thats really bad...i wont lie,i cant w8 that much,i will start other server and if i am still looking till ur server open,i will check it again! Good luck
  13. i read all the features and i was thinking yeah,this is a good server and suddenly i saw... "40 Buff Slots 24 Song Dance Slots 4 Debuff Slots" u must be kidding me in faction server...max 30 dude!64buff slots?u want only archer server?come on! also when do u think is gonna be the ETA?
  14. too bad that the forum is kinda empty,u need to advertise ur server really fast!
  15. yeah right...and C6 is the da best client w/t bugs and its really stable...cool story bro! even freya has less bugs and is much better! also imo ppl are so freaking bored with C6!this chronicle exist like 5-6years!most of the servers which are C6 fail hard after a short period! go check top lists with l2,servers with most votes are Hi5,Freya and a few C6(usually mid rates with shop till b grade with off files)
  16. if mods got not prob i have not also...i just see it like a bad way to take karma or more posts....he didnt event delete last sentences which are talking for the rest of Quest...he couldnt even write the title properly...
  17. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=244582.new#new guide is obviously copy/paste from here http://l2vault.ign.com/View.php?view=Guides.Detail&id=328 lock it,warn him,dekarma or w/e u want! PS:sorry if this topic is in wrong section,i wasnt sure where should i post it!PEACE
  18. omg...what a terrible copy paste! http://l2vault.ign.com/View.php?view=Guides.Detail&id=328
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