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Everything posted by PinGu

  1. Wauw , some did his homework ! ^^ greatjob man!
  2. Wauw , i really am an idiot =p.. Thnx for your fast respond! It works!:) And now its checking and i just have to wait :) ?
  3. Cant get it working , it only says something in a strange languas i dont understand when i hit start.. Never used l2brute so this is kinda strange to me =p..
  4. WTF! Never seen this before :\! I aint going to test it , but damn it looks awesome =D!
  5. :o , wauw! That's 1 big tutorial , great job! +1 for me , i just couldn't find a good no-cd crack for Age of Mythology :-[ maybe this will help! Thnx!
  6. I think a necro would rape you ^^
  7. PinGu


    I want to know what is going on , Dont know from what band he was ? R.I.P
  8. Just completely remove lineage2 even the program files folder , And install everything brand new. It might also work atleast for me :)!
  9. Why dont you just marry abd do , partner teleport :o
  10. eL2Walker 1.46 = dead link , But still you made a impressive list!
  11. Lineage2 ofcourse , dont like the cartoony-look of WoW!
  12. I only needed to vote 1 option! Lineage2! Dont know what it is .. but i really like this game . Just awesome graphics , the sometimes sooooo awfull enchants and ofcourse the 24/7 pvp/pking =D!
  13. Welcome , Tithen U play lineage2 ? If you do .. you are on the right forum arrived =D! Goodluck :)!
  14. I will just go to vista , no linux here =p!
  15. Well i dont think he has got enough post to see it , so his request is that some that is able to see can send it..
  16. Ahahah , very nice.. but i think thath bux.to earns alot more =P!
  17. No apella =D , finally! got to start farming enria's again xD
  18. Auto-assist :|! Didnt knew that existed , Testing...
  19. I think you will have to hit very hard :\
  20. Doesnt your karma clears when zariche is gone ?
  21. Ahaha , need to send these to my cousin , he will get crazy =D!
  22. Wauw , nice post going to check alot of these websites (6)
  23. 1937
  24. Aaah , lineage2 is going to miss a great player , right ? U will still be here around the forum helping other players ? Because , damn u pwn :\.. And u could probably learn me some ^^
  25. For as far as i know you cant use hlapex on c3 servers .. And from my own experience i know that illict is an l2OFF server , right ? So that is when it gets hard.. I can only say if you want to use hlapex u will have to search very well to find a bugged lagging nabz0r server where it might work .. =p , And it also has to be l2java
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