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Everything posted by RoCKnRoLL

  1. i cant understand this program to enchat skills some1 explain with details?
  2. first and last dragon-network
  3. for now ınterlude for next future hellbound i think
  4. 1200 h i got ban for skills 120-360 around many times from l2w ;D
  5. Dragon-network :'( L2core
  6. Dragon-network > Dragon15x > Arena l2alternative when c4 l2core
  7. welcome , have fun ;D
  8. i tested if u play l2, its sux , whats your opinion about that ;D
  9. better stacksub 100-200x around and gm shop to b grade or a better than this my opinion and now no1 server have IL and with this rate! , Im sure if have server with this rate server ll striking ;)
  10. its work but u must be quickly to make this trick :)
  11. Glad > Ol > Wk if u know how to use
  12. i met every server with polish ppl only few race speak his language polak-greek-spanish etc i vote polak ;D
  13. l2 Core = RoCKnRoLL Dnet = AncientWizard
  14. dragon-network ;p thx for your opinion i made da
  15. l2walker its not fair if use and dont get ban
  16. f1 = return f2 = pt recal f3 = bsoe f4 = cancel
  17. i tested few client its work i think work gracia final to u must test
  18. like in title its stack sub server for oly/pvp ;)
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