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Everything posted by RoCKnRoLL

  1. for mage : valakas for war : baium , aq
  2. dragon-network now good but , best times c3,c4 --> Dragon 15x around 3.5 years play there so still alive :P
  3. if u play all-day u ll found all bug so , bugger xd
  4. de/pal better than sk , also ty/pal good too
  5. i need to pick up them with l2w , i heard i can pick them so how i can pick and what i need some1 explain and share programns ,thx ;)
  6. http://www.2shared.com/file/6420416/5e1827c3/systemmsg-e.html Download and put file in system ;)
  7. i used this bug on l2core the best bug like 400 evesion or more :P and 50k hp/cp :P
  8. l2core -> 7k / 1.4k Dragon-Network -> Dragon15x -> with ol/sh in 1 month 1.8k/2 :P
  9. 2x th/wl 1x th/pp 3x sps/ee 1x sh/bd and pvp server 1x warlord ,1x sh :P
  10. summoner class good since c4 , now have erese its pwn all summoner , now maybe ol cause emp,acu,zerk,3rd prof , temple knight , paladin good to for oly i think
  11. %100 agree interlude the best client in lineage2 i think
  12. PR > HE > SR pr da best of all ;D
  13. thx for share but i dont like interlude over client :-X
  14. 1) RiseOfTurks for turkish clan :p 2) LimitedEdition 3) Alpha
  15. Aw > Th > Pw if i play stacksub server Th > Aw > Pw :D cause human sub class better than aw ;)
  16. Phanrom Ranger : More hp , p.atk , and hex etc Hawkye : its same pr but have a few different special Silver ranger : best atk speed in archer class but low p.atk,hp for me best Phantom ranger
  17. hi guys i play l2-alternative , i want to open dual box i cant open it , how i can open any1 know ? :(
  18. Hello , im looking for sub class server Rate: 50x-200x around Maybe NPC buffer Mutand System players Client : Interlude,c5,c4 1+1 (main+1) ;)
  19. Agree , i got valakas,db+12 from gk , in dragonetwork and sold 500 euro , l2 always scam my time >:( when i sit on pc , and never stand up
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