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Everything posted by martynas123

  1. doesnt work for me :P
  2. ty for sharing man
  3. ty man nice share ty alot
  4. its very good game cant wait till i get it
  5. GTA IV was the best it was long good graphics on pc very good! and the main guy was russian :)
  6. good server with alot echants no stuck subs just regular where you have to farm alot in order to get the best stuff in the server
  7. i think its gay cuz it has bad graphics and its not fun the best games need for speed ever had was nfs 2 and 1 two best games other are not as good i have play every single one of them up to shift
  8. its good game there is a cheat for it to i use to play it like 2 years ago lol its fun!
  9. good guide man but can u help my unlock my ports i cant use it its very slow now cuz of the ports
  10. Winamp is the best for me
  11. Yeah i played aion in retail and i think its fun and l2 is kind of boring but its still has better pvps:) BUt i vote for Aion
  12. I would like to play lineage 3 cant wait for it and i hope that its good!
  13. Call of duty 6 cuz it has better weapons but thats just my opinion
  14. sry i posted two times my bad
  15. works for me ty for sharing :)
  16. wrong section!
  17. played protype it was very good but i thing god of war 3 is better
  18. looks pretty good but i hope that it is good as it looks
  19. hmm game looks perrty nice good graphics too
  20. best game wow played the first one i liked it alot and they changed alot of stuff on the second one cant wait to try it out
  21. nice game it deos look like fallout abit :)
  22. very nice game except not on pc
  23. nice game i like fifa alot i will download it when im done with my other game
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