omfg all are the thing of me when i started l2 in 2004 xDD but 2 months later i learned all the game :P and now im pro (?) jaja ;)
nice guide for how to be a noob PART 2 ;) !!
In this video he dance, Tecktonik+Cwalk movements and Electro flogger dance !
Look all videos from my Friend in YouTube , he dance too much types of dances : how: Tecktonik, C-walk , jumpStyle, MelbourneShuffle, and Electro flogger its a dance of many Argentinian Guys !
nice ;) but im from argentina and i dont know how to put my money into Paypal
3.02$(argentina money) 1 U$S
4.51$(argentina money) 1€ Euro
i need to steal my mom to get that amount ;) its a bit hard , and i dont know how to put my money into paypal ! :S