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Everything posted by darknessneo

  1. thx, you give me some ideas =)
  2. freeze, yes, but works. I have the same problem, i close and restart my account and i can move again. The event will freeze only the admin who start the event, not all other players who can play at this event. Second bug: zombie will crash at the end of the event (but they win reward if they win at the event before the crash) So event works for 90% and need only somes fix. The fix who i wan see is a better stat for zombie.
  3. check your console of gameserver, if you see something like this command unvalaible, you forget to edit your datapack files
  4. when i start the event, my account freeze. i cant write in chat, i cant move, but all others players are OK. i just need to close the game windows and restart the game. the event works and at the end, only zombi player will disconnect by critical error, but reward gived before if zombi win. So 2 low bug, but event works.
  5. since somes updates ago, l2jserver edited alot of thing. Armor and weapon table in database was deleted. same for custom_armor and weapon table. You will find all armors and weapons in your folder of the server: l2jserver/gameserver/data/stats/items/ if you wan add custom items/armors/weapons, you need to add them in xml files of this folder. I needed 1 week for rewrite all custom items of my server in xml files. Good luck.
  6. you need to encrypt texture for your chronicle. after that you need to edit npcgrp, use a npc box
  7. dont type //admin_bh_start but //bh_start
  8. Very nice idea, thx, i adapted for my server ^^ Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  9. the program dont creat a .rar file but a .bz2: file.list.bz2, and all files created by the program are .bz2, so ofc, if you edit the list by yourself, you need to re-encod by .bz2, not by .rar
  10. you know how change the zombie stats? i wan to edit them but i found nothing
  11. door of fortress was buged with this geodata, i needed to reboot and remove it...
  12. check spawn instance if remain > 0 : With last freya release, i have this error : SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('__init__.py', 73, 10, ' check spawn instance')) I used the file with day limit. Someone can help me for fix that?
  13. Hello, here is my request. I have somes buffer manager on my server and ppl can go hit raid, recall in town after die, full buff, and go back to the raid for finish him. So i think thats can be nice to make a system who full regen hp of raid boss after 1 min or more if no one hit him.
  14. thx for this update. keep sharing.
  15. nice guide, just what i needed. thx for sharing your config.
  16. i use avast pro 5, and he stop alot of atk with port 135 i recommend it too. but he is not free. what about your? trial version or is free?
  17. after somes tests, i have somes monsters who i have: cannot see target. The aera arround harden academy, near the water is buged too, i dont see the selector and my char dont stop to run.
  18. question, can you make samething with tittle npc? i try to find something like this for edit my npc title without editing the client file cuz i have too much nonameNPC when i try to edit them.
  19. hello, possible to adapt it for freya? i already maked a halloween event, and a chritsmas event can be nice too.
  20. realy nice works man, i will try to use one for my updater :) edit: alot of them cant be downloaded anymore, can you reshare them please?
  21. i already used the patch from epilogue and worked like a charm on my freya.
  22. just what i needed, thx, i will add this geo, hope he will works fine.
  23. nice, i found THE npc for sell my spellbook =) THX !
  24. hello someone can reup the file for brightness? cant download from megaupload: This file is not currently available. problem solved by myself, i edited the l2.ini : Brightness=0.500000 Contrast=0.500000 Gamma=2.000000
  25. checked with avast 5.0: file clean. Works like a charm !! thx !
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