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Everything posted by Schism

  1. I was the only one that play overlord there, we play a lot togheter, and with ltronl !, such a good time. I would pay to play again on l2gve! the real one!
  3. mate, did you played on l2gve.net, such a good memories wich nick you had ?
  4. On your web page says enchant max is 25 so, which one is true ? i don't wanna x30 server with star war weapons
  5. As title says im looking for a mid rate server c6 or h5, with out npc buffer :happyforever:
  6. Something different is play with A grade and farm por S grade, but C4 S stuff not that dynasty crap. But i got your point, anyway +18 is to high, at the end on your server dagger will be op'ed like all server with higher enchant rates.
  7. * Max Enchant: +18 * Safe Enchant: +6 that will make some classes OP, +6 is enought to get def bonus, i guess it will be better add elements instead of high enchant values
  8. so much QQ for cancel, if you have full buff why you need to cancel/steal buff to win a fucknig pvp LOL.
  9. -Safe Enchant (S/A Grade Items): +25 -Max Enchant (S/A Grade Armors): +35 -Safe Enchant (Pride/Unique/Relic Items): +12 -Max Enchant (Pride/Unique/Relic Items): +25 really ?
  10. mm same features of l2 retro, l2 cerius or something like that, both were great server but to damn corrupted, if you bought that files Gh's and trickester are op as hell and all warriors sux hard =D i'll join, those are a great server files !
  11. I like this server, but you should boost dmg on titan skills, their dmg is just ridiculous.
  12. I like this server, but you should boost dmg on titan skills, their dmg is just ridiculous.
  13. I like this server, but you should boost dmg on titan skills, their dmg is just ridiculous.
  14. gear +20 i guess, this server is a completly waste of time, a lot of classes useless.
  15. Only thing that i dont like from this server is that mages, all of them, are ables to tanks at least 3 ppl. I have a titan, 5k mdef 25k hp 6k cp, full resist too (330wind more or less) every StormS. hits me 900/2.3k crit constantly, and with skills +30 all of them on pvp i'm doing 900 crit with 6k patk LOL.
  16. Worst server that i ever try, a real waste of time.
  17. to much farm for me.
  18. to much farm for me.
  19. Who cares about events LOL ? even if they stay 24/7 doing events but some classes are overpowered and other useless is a crappy server, which is at this moment.
  20. THIS Safe/Max enchant +20 Max for donators +25 and BALANCED pvp can't be found on this server.
  21. Now w/o lag the server is ever worst ! There'r no balance at all, mages hits constantly 1.3k on tanks w/o zerk spirit. Ol's and tanks are 4 hits for dagers/archers and mage is so lame. Gladis/ty SUX, again is just another lame il server.
  22. thats sucks, i just kill 2 pk donator and i got a barium and anthatras +25 but gms will give it back to donator, that's so pathetic !
  23. o really ?, maybe your aren't noticed that we -beep-ING HATE farm servers cuz after few days farm over and over is so monotone and boring. Enchants are you high, insane enchants, full buff 24/7, mp pots make this game completly stupid, few examples, daggers with HIGH pdef doing wicked crits to everyone, healers/ol's are going to be invensibles ol's got at least 6k pdef plus, infinite mp, spaming chain of heal and cp, GL trying to take'm down. I think you should change the concept of gameplay on your server. ps/ and i know, my english its really bad, sorry for that.
  24. +25 is a joke in you want a balanced gameplay
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