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Everything posted by ¤FunkyCobra¤

  1. +Fwnw me web Mporei na xexase na plirwsei to site,mhn anisixeis...8a to xanaanoixei sidoma.
  2. Imo transformation pack is great,im using it without any prob for more than 1 year. This inspirat is great too,i used it for a bit but after i formad my pc heh.
  3. File valta ola:1o tetramhno +2o+oti egrapses dia tria.Se ola tha mathimata kanto afto.Alla prepei na sou vgei mesos oros panw apo to 9.5
  4. Emeis shmera teliwsane,ara ypoligizw paraskeuh.
  5. yea i knew that,but in sieges some1 may kill your ---- and then you cant move em.If i remember correct
  6. Egw ypologizw oti exw perasei,eixa 14 k 16 m.o. sta tetramina.Kai stis exetaseis egrapsa panw apo 11 se ola(etsi nomizw) ade na doume. Kai file an mineis emeines,ti na kaneis,na diavazes sthn wra sou.
  7. tha se kopsw ta @@ k 8a pe8aneis apo thn ntroph
  8. xaxaxaxaxa allh mia fora ena akyro Titlos:Polite pc =Eugeniko pc?Huh? Logika 8a exei to pc apo datacenter opos lene kai ta alla ta palikaria.
  9. Po re ,egw se 10 wres 8a xw teliwsei :)
  10. Salut,no esti roman.[ENG]But i can recognize the "pula pula" lol dudes.
  11. haha good job xxRxx is an angel j/k Anyways good job for first time
  12. Yea i saw that panta is cool,im still using avast,you can find in warez sites.
  13. Xaxa wraio synexiste alla kalytera na vazate mia camera h ena kalo thlefono gt h analish tou video einai ligo gtp.
  14. Oxi twra den exw,alla 8elw na dw ti prepei na kanw gia na dosw to pin sthn RS na m dosei acc.
  15. Merikoi?Umm....ti 8a ekanes an mia mera empene enas k ekane leech ta topics apo edw se allo forum?Pou sto allo forum einai kai sto STAFF kyrie legola.
  16. Tittle says it all.I used search but i couldtt find anythin. I used to have rs accs but cracked xD.Now i need to get one but i need to pay via paysafecard. Pls if some1 can make me a turial thanks :)
  17. Fysika nai. An sou legan na peseis apo ena balkoni(10m) gia 200k euro 8a to kanes?
  18. [GR]Etsi to lega k gw,stamatisa kana mhna,k xanarxisa.Mlkia ekana t xerw. Thelei polly douleia gia na to kopseis !!!
  19. eleos,les tis 8ermokrasies twn pirinwn,23 o enas 24 o alos.Otan vazw to l2 pane 40 k oi dio.
  20. Nomizw pws nai,domain nomizw oti to lene.15 euro to trimino...ekei kapou
  21. +1 to fakoykas cuz he is expert on l2 sections.
  22. String ip bann?Anyways mages,ty gia to help,twra 8elw na tou ga**sw ton server.
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