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Everything posted by ¤FunkyCobra¤

  1. Here you go buddies =========================================Normal commands======================================== //announce [message] //critannounce [message] making an announcement. //gmon Enable some GM's options, in order to start 'GMing the server'. //undying [on|off] Invulnerability. //healthy Heals targets hp/mp fully //hide [on|off] //gmliston Register you in the GM list (/gmlist) //gmspeed 1..5 Increase your speed (you can also use superhaste - ID 7029 lvl [1-4] //gmchat name message this just a simple way to tell a player somthing. like //gmchat bob your in big trouble! ================================================== ================================================= ===========================================INFO SERVER============================================ == //who Who's online. //serverstat up time, item on ground, players, NPC, protocol version //npccount NPC's online spawned. Really useful when creating new areas with NPC's. //allgm You get the online GM list with the BuilderLVL. Useful to trace illegal builders. //actorcount You get the players' number and NPC's in the area. ================================================== ================================================= ============================================AUTO REFUSE============================================ = //whisper [on|off] so when whisper is off means no one can message you when whispers on they can message you. //friendaddon //friendaddoff //tradeon //tradeoff Autorefuses requests: /friendinvite ou /trade ================================================== ====================== ============================PLAYER PARTY================================ //stopsay name time Chatban //stopsay bob 50 (= thats 50 min) //kick name Shut out the player. //char_stop [temps(min)] //party_stop [temps(min)] Fossilization. //debug name Give info about the char in target. //showparty You get the list and classid of the party members of you target. //infectedskill check character buffs //check_bot 1..3 1. OOG Walker 2. IG Walker 3. Superman ================================================== ================================================= ============================================DEPLACE EMENTS============================================ //party_teleport //sendhome name Recall player or party to town //partytel [bookmark] Teleport your party to the bookmark (//bk) //teleportto name This makes so you warp to the player. //recall name This just warps the player to you. //teleport x y z Teleport you if you give the good location (/loc), usefull with maccros. //send_gmroom Send your target in jail. //camera [on|off] Fly mode. Alt+h to add the chat windows while using this mode. //bk //bk [name] Set bookmark del or tp to. //bk name create the bookmark. //telbookmark [bookmarkname] use //bk. teleport yourself. ================================================== ================================================= =============================================SUMMON================================================ //summon [id|nom] quantity (Itemdata.txt) Note: Builder lvl1, only GM's with builder 1 are allowed to summon items. //summon name = npc (npc_pch.txt) example //summon orc_archer (that would summon an orc archer //summon orc_archer 5 would summon 5 orc archers of them... Note: Only builder lvl 1 and 2 can summon NPC's. //create_pet 1..11 [LVL] 1=wolf 2-4=hatchling 5-7=stryder 8=sin eater 9-11=baby //dice [itemID] [number] Throw the ID's object on the floor and desappear. [number] -> Time before desappearing (no way to pick up it anyway). //summonnpc [iD|Name][Number] Summons Npcs //setai [Monster ID] Gives a npc different AI //spawn_npcs [Count][AI] //killnpc Kill your NPC target, no drop. //ride_wyvern Your target rides a wyvern. //ride 0-2 0=Normal 1=Strider 2=Wyvern ================================================== ================================================ =============================================NOBLE SSE============================================== //set_noblesse //set_hero You become a hero, this cannot be used on a target. Just yourself. //ns hero 0 //ns noblesse 0 Enable/disabled your target hero status. //subjob Subclass relying on the ID class and subjob number [1-3] => not tested. ================================================== ================================================= =============================================CLASS SKILL============================================= //setclass [ClassID] To the target! //set_skill_all Target Learns all possible skills //delskill [skill ID] Deletes skill from target //setskill [skill ID] Gives skill to target. Skill de GM id de 6000 a 6006 //reset_skill Removes all skills from target ================================================== ================================================= =================================================QUEST============================================= //setquest [Quest ID][status] Adds a Quest to target //delquest [Quest ID] Deletes a Quest from Target ================================================== ================================================= =================================================C LAN ALLY========================================== //cease_fire [clan1] [clan2] //cease_fire2 [ally1] [ally2] Stop clan or ally wars. (Probably not avaible for low builders) //disband [clan] Delete clan ================================================== ================================================= ==============================================EVEN T================================================ //event //eventmatch //eventmatchop //eventview //load_event //npcpos_event You get the NPC event list and their states, example: 7sign ================================================== ================================================= ================================================LOTTO============================================== //lotto_cancel //lotto_info //lotto_pause //lotto_resume //lotto_set_draw //lotto_set_number //lotto_set_reward //lotto_set_sell ================================================== ================================================= ===============================================7SIGN=============================================== //ssq_info //ssq_status You get the 7sign status (the second command -> gives you the ssq status in a window). ================================================== ================================================= ===========================================MISC=== ================================================= //reload Reload the client. Pretty interesting for Dev's and client modding. //setkarma number SELF use //diet [on|off] this makes so when diets on and your to heavy with to many items you don't slow down. //polymorph [Mob name/ID] Transform into a monster, for best results don't equip a weapon as the weapons usually take away the animation of the mob. No way to get back your appearance without relogging. //earthquake [Time(s)] [intensity] Try it lol. //quiet [on|off] makes the whole world so they can't talk great when your pissed off //setparam [param][number] exp sp str int dex... //setcomment [0..255] [/color] //addcomment //viewcomment Adds a comment to target. Another GM can see it , by pressing viewcomment.Useful for jails etc //opencoli //closecoli Edited : Added colors, and some more commands.Maybe will categorise them by Builder levels as well
  2. Epeidh eiani penintari otan to pareis kantou ta prwta 300 xiliometra alla na pigeneis mexri ta 30(30 nai gt zorizete) meta apo 300-600 mexri 45 kai 600-1000 50
  3. For me.. Npc buffer Buffs 1 hour. Safe=3 max=10 Oo. chance 65% Gm shop full items Custom Raids. So will be balance all with +10
  4. Gillera file,an eixa k gw ta lefta 8a perna to 125,alla twra piga k paragilia to kawasaki ZX 130,2k kanei.
  5. Poly apla enoei oti vriskei ta codes apo alla forums k ta grafei edw....den xerw ti kanei to palikari alla einai mia xara.
  6. Sepiroth to palikari leei me liga logia oti kati exei pextei me ton PROVIDER aka me auton p m dinei internet.
  7. Oxi ,exw conn x k ka8e fora p benw sto internet alazei h ip m me h xwris na to 8elw.
  8. Dude i can bet that you dont know where is zaken door,u thikn its the devil island in the start? Its not that hard to go to the real door and use a treasure hunter. So you mean that summoned persons will be at the door?And just click to get in?
  9. Polla atoma akouw k ta vlepoun alla m lene na bw sto site k den mporw na vrw to prwto episodio,nomizw oti einai wraio.
  10. Ta kana auta p eipate...alla tzifos.
  11. Kati pezei me to intrnet...ama klepsw internet?Apo alla wi fi?pws mporw na to kanw?Me thn karta grafikwn m?nvia geforce 8400,h prepei na parw san auto to stikaki
  12. Dld den exei allo tropo..?Gia na m to vgalei o admin exw liges pi8anotites,na parw thl ston ote apokleiete.
  13. [GR]Geia sas maxcheaterades,prosfata me travixane ban apo ena server,auto to ban einai paraxeno....gt den einai IP ban h etc,p mporw na alaxw ip.Alla einai INTERNET BAN mporei na m banarane ton provider ..?Den mporw na bw oute sto ventrilo tou server oute sto game,ekei p epilegw server sto game den kanei tpt... Helparete re guys.
  14. Why eclipse?Since you upload a video in youtube.You take risk.Others can edit it,download it.
  15. Egw re den 8elw na pw pious den xonevw...gt 8a anafer8w se "vlakeies" tou staff.kai den 8elw na faw ban h -karma
  16. Wrong section?Auto paei sta bots. Kalo 8atan na peis k pws doulevoun... <--- kapioi den xeroun.
  17. Nai ma lew...o pateras m den exei diplwma...ginete na valei asfalia?
  18. So what? If you see all the topic is about fast encahnt,not succes.
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