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Everything posted by kodex

  1. its too late apologize... ;]
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=116508.0 already posted...
  3. all truth about AN (post from my clan forum) for necro cant get death spike spellbook. cant normally farm without it. 7s never end. we lose it, because didnt end on time. crystals from luxury disappeared (why?). no main page of AN = no new people. No announcements. We/I dont know what gm is doing. never see him in /gmlist. cant contact him. i cant write/post in forum (no privileges or what). gm is digging/fixing something i dont know. he just says ok ok we are fixing that, we are active on this, but with each fixes - more bugs appear. something is wrong with drops. for example: asofe drop 1/214, stem 1/12, and asofe drops more often than that stem. dunno wtf. lifestones exist, but augumentation dont (wtfff). so boooring that was my clanmate post, so you all know its /fail
  4. well I just logged in, and I must say its not bad! no major lags/no delays at all not bad population, it can grow ofc;] Im corious if its true, about quest reward rate 50x? maybe you make mistake? if its tue, you do kamaloka 3 kamaloka and you are max lvl...
  5. how long its up mate?
  6. yea this one. well about new announcement, I must say they made it in good way, but as always it will be serwer for few months.. Anyway I have 1 month to new rpg club so I will try play there meanwhile
  7. I know staff is good but ill never play HB again its wasted chronicle for me but its my opinion only. About staff you are right they are ok, I miss first 15x substack interlude, and 100x when ppl play on it;/
  8. Sounds fair;] How long its online?
  9. Can som1 upload folder system to 4shared.com?
  10. dude it has major bugs , and that should be fixed on beta stage not now, ofc they had beta time, but they were drink tea a nd eat biscuits. about frintezza it just had wipe, bcos som1 exploited epic bosses,now it start again
  11. usefull but change colours, they are confusing
  12. bro belive me its unplayable, all the time down, major bugs should be rapired on beta tests, and they have silly issues, dont waste time on it
  13. no I must disagree, frintezza is online , AN get more off than on
  14. ahahahah <IJustDied> 1,5k on 100x? OMG so I back there, I thought it was always 100 online. Anyway Frintezza got pwnd and now after this silly wipe no1 will play there, where is that major reorganisation? Incrase epic bosses only, same features, same shit.
  15. maybe make B grade duals and crystalize it? B crystals are good option to make money, it depends what serwer you play now. About bot, I always set sh or necro with buffers, deep in woa, spot with angels, no1 exp there and its good drop on angels
  16. First of all its wrong section. 2nd this serwer is all the time down, so I cant help you :(
  17. all "put in wh" or "drop on the ground" trick dont work on decent serwers
  18. PR rox on fullbuff
  19. yea now I will add my nick and it will be awesome:D
  20. I used it on official gracia final client, l2.ru
  21. its true about l2.ru :P they are insane, and they have nice donation system, you buy premium acc for 1 month and your xp and adena are 2x
  22. niceeee olympiad between factions would be awesome!
  23. well it does not change the fact that I saw 5 ppl in giran:P
  24. necro or sh with some buffer on back, vampiric claw+dark vortex, all the time 100% hp, ofc with mana potions
  25. you forgot to tell us, what chronicle you play ;] but anyway for exp use +str -con about eq to exp I prefer tallum heavy (+8% atack speed) , for pvp Ic set. Weapons, hmm ofc health, even on exp haste sa gives almost nothing. about skill enchant, ofc shield stun and roots. For rb nm heavy set or IC, dyes +con, you can enchant aura hate and agression, and UD + time
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