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Everything posted by kodex

  1. 600
  2. I would like to remind that this server died once already , what is the warranty that it will be better now?
  3. bump! we still w8ing new players, server is updating everyday, and rates of exp/drop are increased. plus we have new vote system, you can obtain epic jewels for votes!
  4. newcomers pm kodex for startup adena!!
  5. who cares about donations, I can farm all of this things in 14 days with few hours per day
  6. Ive been w8ing it so long after l2 inferno, tx nekys!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. live ETA is unknown?
  8. Tilemachos check PM please
  9. Any idea what exactly is wrong? Could u mate resolve my problem?
  10. I got ur files i did like u wrote. delete system folder paste urs. paste hosts run Navicat etc etc login game and bot show me mobs hp/mp but its all. Bot doesnt see my skills. whats wrong ?
  11. Color dmg display on screen doesnt work for me. Im playing L2 Divinity. Any1 can resolve my problem ?
  12. sorry for spam, wrong post.
  13. again you flame hes server and making it 1 vs 1, still he have point to tell you fail with randoms in clan, sorry ;]
  14. all buffs retail duration, no instant mana potions, dances 2 minutes, and ofc you have to find ppl who wanna play some sws or bd, its kinda different then high rate servers full of DD. and you use support chars in pvp, like wk mage bane etc. show me this on high rate with npc buffers. Its a clan topic lets stop spam.
  15. Talk bad about DN on mxc forum is punishable by death ;] ofc its not pure l2 but its a teamwork server w/o some crappy buffers wich exclude support classes. Nekys :*
  16. done, maybe join new 15x rpg club and rise there, ouu I forgot, you wouldnt know what to do on retail server ;] bb.
  17. I just said my opinion about this clan and you always turn a facts into flame 1 vs 1,this is your only way bcos you cant deny a FACTS. ill respond last time on it: I never played kamael before so yea I fialed oly. yes I was in your clan, with another nick, till time you sold half of clan warehouse for new equip for your new char, bcos you failed on soulhound. and after all left your clan on inferno, where did you found new randoms to create lol "organisation" buhahaha:D You say I failed on exodus? you was there 1 week and went away, we had 2 pvps, you lost 2 of them. Anyway I play lol highrates only when me and my clan w8 for new good server, last time it was dragon network valkyrie http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=6B3772286CAFA8AA this is real l2 and real clan and epic server, maybe you can learn something about this game...
  18. Eghm probably you are lost , how could I follow you if I was in your clan, fail is your 2nd name puppie ;]
  19. First of all this topic is a bullsh1t, you can join this clan after say "hi", its a bunch of randoms who dont even make epic quests, join 1 siege, zergin and feel pride:] for example slasher/legion/savior on l2 inferno server, fail as cl and all day long shit talk in shout chat, after 1 month of play there they kill 0 epics, win only 1 aden siege. Ofc som1 would say I talk alot only, but I was in this random clan for 2 weeks so I know that leader is selfish and have no skills to organise anything.
  20. ;] does it work on vista? bcos I lend laptop from my girl and I must use this sh1tty OS, xp ftw...
  21. too bad I gave icar bow focus and qa to hoz leader if u still play there bro:P
  22. First of all its xp. Like I said it just dont run, and since I paste all files from tutorials, I cant use mouse when I use keys on my keyboard (in l2) . Forget about it ill format my hard drive and use ig walker like before...
  23. it just dont show up, I dont see the waby on my screen or in windows process
  24. I have a problem, when I open Waby nothing happen.. I have disabled antivirus, just nothing happening :( plz help ;]
  25. guys 1 question, what is the combat haste potion id?
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