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Everything posted by kodex

  1. why fail? I play there atm and its ok till now
  2. 1k of brazils in flag counter, easy frags, ill try it:D edit: unfortunately there is no players there, and its a bit laggy :(
  3. you need some advertise, bcos no1 plays there :(
  4. fail, free noblesse and minimum registered players = 2? feed oly serbidor
  5. 50 players online atm, but I cant found any info about subclass, is it free or not? Website says ther eis no npc buffer, but there is some buffer w/o song/dance amd prophecies
  6. is it fresh? how long is it online?
  7. it doesnt work right now :(
  8. I dont like no auto loot but I can live with that. This custom armors can be used on olympiad?
  9. server with no custom items but it has custom tatoos , jesus...
  10. server with no custom items but it has custom tatoos , jesus...
  11. Im searching this king of features server long time, any1 know something similar? plz pm me.
  12. cant pass login, I see only name of the server and thats all
  13. no custom with shitload of customs
  14. so if som1 will dlvl 80lvl sorc to 40, he will pwn QA in 30 seconds, not cool dude, skills must be deleted after dlvl
  15. All sound amazing! I just wanted to ask about this dlvl, you can dlvl to 40 lvl and you wont loose skills? Or just 6 / 7 lvls and then you loose it? im asking about it bcos its important on QA or Zaken.
  16. I like enchant rates and craft system, gonna try it :)
  17. interesting, its still down... edit: its up
  18. l2lige cant set up "On screen DMG" on my Interlude server. I wanna make only my DMG and my Critical Hit on screen could some1 make it for me?
  19. the problem with this server is everybody gang 5 vs 1 on hard farm zone,and noobs make duels on pvp server oO its boring server, nothing to do with clan, you should add something that ppl fight for, like add drop to normal rbs etc.
  20. sure, its 10 years of l2 experience :D
  21. when it goes live?
  22. didlak + exodus , we remember!!!!!! <3 R.I.P
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